Sunday, January 26, 2020

Standardization And Adaptation In Television Advertising

Standardization And Adaptation In Television Advertising Still in this 21st century television continues to be a prevailing media. Due to the increase in the globalization this world is shrinking at a rapid rate, companies doing business overseas must find new and innovative ways to communicate their brands to the market. Thus, the decision of standardization or adaptation of the advertisements between various nations is of much importance to these companies competing in the international market. The purpose of this paper is to develop a better understanding as to how the multi-national companies standardize and adapt their television advertising. For reaching the conclusion, questions based on the elements of television ads, along with the factors affecting the decision whether to standardize or adapt were identified. On the basis of these questions, analysis of related literature was conducted to form a conceptual framework, which was further utilized to guide this papers data collection. Qualitative case study approach was rendered to c ollect the data, based on the interviews and observing the television commercials of multi-national brands. The conclusion derived shows that there are various appeals that are efficient. For e.g. Emotional appeals are more efficient on young target market, whereas the rational appeals work more efficiently on the older target market. Cost is the key factor which influences the companys decision to adapt a commercial. Whereas regarding the standardization of a television commercial the companys main focus should be the non-geographical elements such as the family culture and humour. Contents 1 Introduction The following chapter will be providing the reader with some background of the area being researched. Problem statement regarding the standardization and adaptation in television ads will be followed by the research. The overall purpose and the related research questions will be concluding this chapter. 1.1 Background Marketing communication is based solely on the method of sharing of the perceptions. The intended message can be successfully communicated only if the senders perceptual field or what we can define as his experience of that brand is in congruence with the perceptual field of the intended market. Thus a message which lands outside the receivers perceptual field has no effect on the receiver. According to Root (1994) the perceptual gaps as well as the encoding and decoding gaps resulting arising due to the cultural differences between the sender and the receiver hinders the communication. Moreover, as a reason of the unawareness of cultures regarding the existence of such gaps the level of communication hindrance increases additionally. In the below figure 1.1, it has been demonstrated by Czinkota and Ronkainen (2004) that efficient communication depends on three main factors: the sender, the receiver and the message. These three factors are interconnected with a message channel. Figure 1: Marketing Communication Process It was also stated by Root (1994) that communication process between the people of the same culture derives an advantage from a high level of congruence in their perceptual fields as well as the similarity between their communication codes. The communication process can be therefore be affected by the cultural hindrance which is justified by Root (1994) saying that many times the sender as well as the receiver of the same culture believe that the message has been clearly understood by them even though it is not the case. Advertising has been defined by Root (1994) as a process of non-personal communication which is sponsored in monetary form to promote a product, a brand or even a company. Advertising has also been recognized as a tool for mass promotion (ibid). According to Laroche and Teng (2006) cultural values are vital for any ad message and it is also a deciding factor for the success of any ad. They have also stated that the people are finding commonalities between then and the ads when their cultural values are embodied in those ads. The vice versa happens when their values are not matching the ad. The assignment of delivering the message to the people is given to the advertising media. Radio, print, television, cinema, hoardings and other outdoors are the leading media considerable for this task. The advertisers are able to demonstrate the service or the product in motion using a number of choices of elements available for this task. The right combination of these elements during the making of the television ad so as to give the message a strong probability of catching the attention of the consumer and getting the message to him is vital to achieve the desired impression on the mind of the consumer. 1.2 Problem Discussion Television ads can also be used to boost the image of the product by showing the product in motion along with the ability to use colour and sound for constructing a desirable environment surrounding the product. The centre of this paper will be television commercials, due to the various factors of television such as vision, colour, sound and motion which are very crucial in presenting the message. Moreover, the study of Brassington and Pettitt (2000) showing that motion ads are considered superior for the generation of emotional appeals also is a factor for the concentration of this paper towards television commercials. The decision of the standardization or adoption of television ad at an international level resides mainly to the manager and his manipulations towards the promotional mix elements. People who support standardization argue by saying that the current trend in the marketing world is of creating the products and marketing them in the same way in all the nations without considering the differences in the various cultures. But when manager sees much higher level of differences in the lifestyles as well as economies of the target market population he renders a higher level of adaption instead of going for the standardization. On the other hand supporters of standardization justifies themselves by saying that using same ads in the overseas markets would help them to achieve lower costs as well as establish a corporate image on a global level. Again the people in support of adaptation say that this wont help them in entrenching themselves into the local markets. According to Root (1994) nations vary widely in quality, availability, cost of marketing, etc. Thus, marketers should thoroughly embody the various cultural variables into their ads as it seems to have a great impact on influencing the consumer as well his buying decision. The research conducted by Chandra (2002) shows that various adaptations in an ads slogan, jingle, theme as well as idiomatic symbols, expressions and colours make the adaption in an ad mandatory. He also stated that it is vital for firm to adapt their marketing campaigns to the regional market targeted in order to realize the profits. Bottom lining this standardization vs. adaptation debate are the factors of economic savings in case of using standardized marketing strategies and the maximum realization of profits in case of adaptation of the strategies so to fit into the local target market. Bradley and Sousa (2005) concluded in their studies non-regional population is likely to be less reactive to the ads which dont match to their cultures. Thus it is mandatory for successful marketing in other nations that the marketers to understand the target populations cultural traits. According to Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) products and brands can, for a time, sustain the cultural difference and homogenization, but this is not the case with ads as they are much more dependent on influencing the consumers through the marketing elements which are closely tied to the culture of those consumers. Due to the use of such verbal and visual factors such as the scenes, regional language and models the ad tends to be effective and hence deriving profits. 1.3 Purpose and Research Question Based on the discussion in the previous section, the purpose of this seminar paper is to provide a better understanding of how the companies standardize or adapt their television commercials in the international markets. Two problem questions are formulated for the reason of helping us to acquire the knowledge required to accomplish the stated purpose. PQ 1. How the elements of television ads that are standardized or adapted can be described? PQ 2. How the factors influencing the decision to standardize or adapt be described? 2 Literature Review This chapter presents an overview of the researches related to the questions stated. This chapter will be starting with studying the elements of television ads. Then studies relating to the factors influencing the choice of standardize or to adapt will be discussed. In the end, a conceptual framework for this paper will be presented. 2.1 Elements In Television Advertising It is concluded in the research of Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) that particularly the Visual and Verbal elements embedded in the ads are more dependent on the differences among cultures. They further stated that the dependence of the effectiveness of the ad is directly proportional to the use of local scenes, models as well as the regional language. Another element Appeal was added by Laroche and Teng (2006). APPEALS Ad Appeals can be defined as a message communicated to the consumers so as to motivate them to buy the related product/service. The choice of the Appeal is the key factor associated with the ads. Kelley and Turley classified them into two categories: Rational Appeal and Emotional Appeal. Rational ads rise from the traditional communication model where the recipient is assumed to make reasonable rational decision. Such ads show the benefits of the product by demonstrating its quality, value, performance and economy and generate self-interest in the mind of the target customer. In contrast to Rational Appeal, Emotional Appeals rely on the emotional perceptions of the consumer. These ads, generally being experimental, generally tend to make the recipient feel good about the relevant product/service generating a likeliness or friendliness towards the brand. Emotional Appeals tend to bring up the negative and positive emotions in the mind of the recipient in order to motivate them for a buying. The negative emotions may include fear, shame or guilt appeals making people do things they should or stopping them for doing things they shouldnt. Whereas, positive emotions include appeals like love, humour, pride or joy. (Albers-Miller and Stafford, 1999) Laroche and Teng (2006) in their recent study have stated that there exists different appeals among different cultures which are able to impact the target consumer in the most efficient manner. And the ad wont be able to achieve the desired result if the target consumer fails to find similarities between themselves and the ads characteristics. Furthermore it is also observed that these variances in the Appeals between the West and the East date back to the ancient times. The reason behind this is thought to be the influence of the Greek philosophers on the culture of the west, emphasizing on Verbal communication. (Muller, 1992) The experimentation on marketing campaigns using violence and shocking appeals were reviewed by Anderson, Hedelin and Nilsson (2004). During the review they concluded that the use of sex as well as violence produced negative impacts on both male as well as the female recipients making it difficult for them to interpret the same message that was tried to be conveyed through that ad. They also found out that there exists a difference among the sexes in the interpretation of the messages. The females were able to relate themselves with the commercials when children are displayed. VERBAL ELEMENTS It has been stated by Nelson and Paek (2007) that the language used in the ad is of much more importance than most marketers realize. Stewart (1994) also supported this thesis by saying that the importance of the use of the regional language becomes a vital factor when the ad is using a dramatized plot approach. The only thing that should be taken care of is that the use of dialects and vernaculars may be interpreted as stereotyping which may not be consumed positively by the local population. Chart : Ducan and Ramprasads (1995) survey illustrating majority of brands opting for adoption of regional language in their ads VISUAL ELEMENTS According to Hewett, Madden and Roth (1999) colour being and significant part of the products, their logos and their packaging is a powerful tool in positioning the brand into the minds of the consumer. It has been stated in the studies conducted by Greenberg and Solomon (1993) it requires a great effort on the part of the directors as well as set creators and many others to choose a scenery and location and numerous other factors like the tone as well as the nuance of the print on which the ad is supposed to be executed. These experts in their respective fields strive to create a compelling environment that will be executed on the ad agencys vision of a way to reinforce the targeted products intended brand image into the mind of the recipient. An influential and persuasive message can be delivered by the product if the ad is well-crafted and presented in a manner which is sensible to the recipient and reinforce the intended message in his mind. OTHERS Cho (1999) argues that a message conveyed by an ad should be in congruence with the values of the local culture. He also supported this statement by saying that the cultural values embodied in the ads are the core of these ads. Most of the time ads endorse, embellish as well as reinforce the cultural values. Moreover, it has been shown with the help of empirical studies that ads which reflect regional cultural values are more persuasive than the ads which dont incorporate them. 2.2 Influencing Factors This part will be analysing various factors that impact the decision to standardize or adapt based on various researches conducted. These will be stated along with explanation through this whole chapter. COST It is stated by Darmon (1999) that one of the reason leading to standardization is cost considerations. Ducan and Ramprasad (1995) also stated that economic gains along with convenience being a key factor leading to standardization. However, they were much amazed when the data of their survey stated cost savings as one of the least priority item. THE ROLE OF HEADQUATERS AND SUBSIDARIES SALE LEVEL In their research Ducan and Ramprasad (1995) that the marketing strategy as well as the follow up are more probable to be changed in the more well-off markets where the holdings of the firm as well as the profit margins are comparatively higher. Still the power of making important decisions of the regional offices depends completely on the level of freedom offered by its parent company. MACRO FACTORS According to Chandra (2002), these factors vary considerably from nation to nation and affect the decision making process very much based on the nations legal, political and economic factors along with the marketing scenarios. For e.g. in south Korea, only the nations models are allowed to be featured in the ads. SINGLE BRAND IMAGE Ducan and Ramprasad (1995) concluded in their studies that the single brand image is the most influencing reason for standardization. It is also suggested by Vrontis (2003) that through the use of single brand image a company can significantly establish its global brand image. And due to the global broadcasting by the media as well as consumer mobility standardization is much favoured as compared to earlier times. PRODUCT CATEGORY As compared to the products/services which are likely to be purchased on the basis of the regional cultures, products/services which show uniform consumer buying habits are more likely to employ a standardized marketing strategy. For e.g. electronic goods are used the same way across different cultures in contrast to food items which are more likely to be consumed in the traditional fashion. DEMOGRAPHIC, PSYCHORGAPHIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS It is stated by Chandra (2003) that the use of standardization depends on the existence of the homogeneous market segments. If such market exists than the consumers are more likely to behave in the same manner across the markets and share a common buying habit. EXPLOITING A SUCCESSFUL IDEA Ducan and Ramprasad (1995) stated that when an effective idea or strategy have taken a great time in its development and is successfully producing positive results, the firms are very keen on using this idea across different markets so as to reap the costs incurred in the production of that strategy. NOT INVENTED HERE When the multinational agencies are trying to use standardization, their regional subsidies are often uncomfortable with the imposition of their ideas and often defend their reasoning by tagging it as not invented here and hence lacking creativity. 2.3 Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework is defined by Miles and Huberman (1994) as a visual, graphical or audible description of a study explaining it. They can be constructs, factors, elements or variables and the relationship links between them. They also state that if the research questions have been stated first than it is much easy to form the conceptual framework. Thus for answering the research questions we have to first state on what basis we have collected the data. First, the relevant theories for the first question will be stated followed by the relevant for the second question. 2.3 Conceptualization Elements of Television Advertising Laroche and Teng (2006) found out the various appeal elements of ads, whereas Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) have classified them into visual and verbal elements. Appeals Rational Culture Emotional Speech elements Sound National Language Visual elements Scenery Models 2.3.2 Conceptualization Influencing Factors There are various different factors influencing the decision of going for standardization or adaptation for the television ads. The related theories will be analysed and equated with data collected: Cost Demographic, psychographic and cultural characteristics Macro factors Single brand image Product category 3. Methodology In this chapter the methodology used in the research will be presented. This chapter begins with the purpose, approach and Strategy used in the research followed by data collection and selection of sample. This chapter will be concluding with the problems faced during the methodology study. 3.1 Purpose of Research List of references dAstous, A. Chartier, F. (2000, Fall). A Study of Factors Affecting Consumer Evaluations and Memory of Product Placement in Movies. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22, 31-40. dAstous, A. Sà ©guin, N. (1999). Consumer Reactions to Product Placement Strategies in Television Sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing, 33, 896-910. Avery, R. J. Ferraro, R. (2000). Verisimilitude or Advertising? Brand Appearance on Prime-Time Television. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 34, 217-244. Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M., Robson, K. (2001). Focus Groups in Social Research. London: Sage Publication Ltd. Denscombe, M. (2000). Forskningshandboken. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Eriksson, L. T. Wiedersheim-Paul, F. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

My Problem With Her Anger Essay

In the article titled â€Å"My Problem With Her Anger†, by Eric Bartels, he tells us about his life and more importantly, the marriage he holds with his wife that he loves very much. However, she has a bit of a problem with passive-aggressiveness that causes turmoil in their so far, rather successful marriage. He starts off at the beginning of the article by describing his day, after a long work day he finishes up the dishes; only to realize that there are two dishes left in the sink to soak that had been sitting there for several days, untouched. As the fact both his wife and his children are already asleep, the job of cleaning the several days untouched dishes falls to him. He noted that in that moment he realized, this was the â€Å"dark heart of the divide between men and women†. He goes on to mention that he knows his wife doesn’t have it easy, and in fact, sometimes her life is much harder than his. She’s raising two kids, working, and still participates in family chores at home. But Bartels does the same. Since they had children, he recalls having to give up several things, these including drinking beer and ‘guy’s night out. This came with the territory, but what else came with the territory, he was not expecting. His wife begins to take her anger out on him, letting her frustrations of the children out on her husband. With an accusing â€Å"your son† or â€Å"your daughter† implying she had nothing to do with their behavior, Bartels found himself at his wits’ end. In his eyes, Bartels is up to his eyes in things he can’t seem to do right. When he tries to give his wife a break from the busy hustle and bustle of her every day by cooking for dinner, bathing the kids, or grocery shopping, it seems he never fails to disappoint. His wife comes home, questioning why he made rice instead of pasta with their meal, why the water from the childrens’ baths haven’t been drained, or why he bought that particular thing at the store. Her temper flares and they begin to argue. This, Bartels knows, is not healthy for a growing child, especially having two at very impressionable ages (two and six), but he knows that without the big fight he and his wife are sure to have about the smallest little thing, her anger will continue to build until a beat down, drag out filled with curses ensues. This being worse for the children to grow up seeing, he knows that things have to change. In â€Å"My Problem With Her Anger†, Bartels isn’t placing the blame solely on his wife, in fact, it is very clear he loves her very much and wishes nothing more than to be able to give her the happiness she deserves. He is simple stating that for them to work out in the end there must be help from both sides of the spectrum. Both he and his wife must give it all they have, 150 percent, or give none at all and watch as their marriage crumbles. Clearly, this isn’t what he wants, so he is asking her, in a way, to help him save their marriage from the depths of the troubles that surround it.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Soundtrack for 1984 by George Orwell

Track #1 Song: Satellite Artist: Guster Album: Ganging Up On the SunShining like a work of art Hanging on a wall of stars Are you what I think you are? You're my satellite You're riding with me tonight Passenger side, lighting the sky Always the first star that I find You're my satellite Elevator to the moon Whistling our favorite tune Trying to get a closer view You're my satellite You're riding with me tonight Passenger side, lighting the sky Always the first star that I find You're my satellite Maybe you will always be Just a little out of reach You're my satellite You're riding with me tonight Passenger side, lighting the sky (cont.) Always the first star that I find You're my satellite You're my satelliteâ€Å"Satellite† significance: One of the main concepts of this song is wanting something unattainable, as seen in the lines â€Å"Maybe you will always be, just a little out of reach, you’re my satellite†.The same occurs in 1984 with how Winston (the main c haracter) regards Julia (his love interest), because he loves her even though it’s difficult for them to be together under the strict rules and regulations of Big Brother.Track #2 Song: Holocene Artist: Bon Iver Album: Bon Iver, Bon IverSomeway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me You're laying waste to Halloween You messed it, friend, it's on its head, it struck the street You're in Milwaukee, off your feet And at once I knew I was not magnificent Strayed above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) I could see for miles, miles, miles 3rd and Lake, it burnt away, the hallway Was where we learned to celebrate Automatic bought the years you'd talk for me That night you played me ‘Lip Parade' Not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decree Saying nothing, that's enough for me And at once I knew I was not magnificent Hulled far from the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) I could see for miles, miles, miles Christmas night, it clutched the light, th e hallow bright Above my brother, I and tangled spines We smoked the screen to make it what it was to be Now to know it in my memory And at once I knew I was not magnificent High above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) I could see for miles, miles, milesâ€Å"Holocene† significance: Winston is often self-deprecating, analytical and pessimistic. He believes it’s crucial to hold on to memories of the past, because if the truth is forgotten, the supposed evil would win. The lines â€Å"Not to know it in my memory, and at once I knew I was not magnificent.† mimic Winston’s thought process.Track #3 Song: Waiting†¦ Artist: City and Colour Album: Bring Me Your LoveA coma might feel better than this Attempting to discover where to begin You're weighed down, you're full of something Of sickness and desertion You're weighed down, you're full of something You're underneath it all So say goodbye to love And hold your head up high There's no need to rush We're all just waiting, waiting to die Hope and better place is all I need With moments of innocence and mystery Oh, it's the little things you miss Like waking up all alone Oh, it's the little things you miss When you're underneath it all So say goodbye to love And hold your head up high There's no need to rush We're all just waiting, waiting to die All your friends seem like enemies When you're broken down and empty, oh All your friends seem like enemies When you're broken down and empty, oh So say goodbye to love And hold your head up high There's no need to rush We're all just waiting, waiting to dieâ€Å"Waiting†¦Ã¢â‚¬  significance: Winston regularly makes references to Big Brother and the Thought Police catching him breaking rules and he’s waiting for them to â€Å"vaporize† him, which is being murdered and all personal records being destroyed. Winston is also paranoid that any person he comes into contact with is an associate with Big Brother or the Thought Police because people in his life are very conniving and deceitful. So the lyrics â€Å"We’re all just waiting, waiting to die/all your friends seem like enemies when you’re broken down and empty† match his situation.Track #4 Song: The World At Large Artist: Modest Mouse Album: Good News for People Who Love Bad NewsIce-age heat wave can't complain If the world's at large, why should I remain? (cont.) Walked away to another plane Gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand I move on to another day To a whole new town with a whole new way Went to the porch to have a thought Got to the door and again, I couldn't stop You don't know where and you don't know when But you still got your words and you got your friends Walk along to another day Work a little harder, work another way Well uh uh baby I ain't got no plan We'll float on maybe would you understand? Gonna float on maybe would you understand? We'll float on maybe would you understand? The days get shorter and the nights get cold I like the autumn but this place is getting old I pack up my belongings and I head for the coast It might not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most The days get longer and the nights smell green I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave I like songs about drifters, books about the same They both seem to make me feel a little less insane Walked on off to another spot I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want Did I want love? Did I need to know? Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow? The moths beat themselves to death against the lights Adding their breeze to the summer nights Outside, water like air was great I didn't know what I had that day Walk a little farther to another plane You said that you did, but you didn't understand I know that starting over is not what life's about But my thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth My thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth My thoughts were s o loudâ€Å"The World At Large† significance: Throughout the book, Winston reflects on why he’s still alive even though the world is in turmoil from corrupt politics and mass murder. He attempts to find a purpose to keep surviving day-to-day even though at the beginning of the story he had no family or friends. The line â€Å"If the world’s at large, why should I remain?† represents  his self-doubt about survival and questioning his existence.Track #5 Song: My Silhouette (Acoustic) Artist: Arms Like Yours Album: Inhale ExhaleSleep has become my escape from reality, she's in my dreams Someone wake me up because this isn't real, and it's just a game that I can't escape Over again, this cruel cycle repeats and repeats I grabbed her hand but it slowly slipped away Someone wake me up, can someone wake me up She moves with me in my dreams, but I'm foolish to believe that this is the way it ends I see her silhouette, but it's just a test for me to leave the pa st with the past She moves with me now but it's just a testI must stop this cycle and cut out my silhouette I smile as her lips brush my neck but I know that this is just a vision in my head Kiss me in my dreams if you're really done with me It's too fitting to disrupt, oh can someone wake me up But you can't change me, but she's pulling me backâ€Å"My Silhouette† significance: While Winston was held prisoner by the Thought Police, he frequently had dreams of Julia. He would wake up disturbed from these dreams because he was worried about her, because she was captured at the same time he was and he assumed she was suffering as well. He missed her until doctors at the facility managed to brainwash him and Winston was left void of feelings for her.Track #6 Song: Two Weeks Artist: Grizzly Bear Album: VeckatimestSave up all the days A routine malaise Just like yesterday I told you I would stay Would you always Maybe sometimes Make it easy? Take your time Think of all the ways Mo mentary phase Just like yesterday I told you I would stay Every time you try Quarter half the mile Just like yesterday I told you I would stay Would you always Maybe sometimes Make it easy? Take your time Would you alwaysMaybe sometimes Make it easy? Take your time Always, sometimes Easy, timeâ€Å"Two Weeks† significance: Though Winston and Julia have a secret relationship; they seem to care about each other and try to make time for each other whenever they can. There were a few instances where Winston was scared Julia was going to ditch plans with him and not show up to where they were supposed to meet, but she always stuck around with him even when he would doubt her. The lyric â€Å"Just like yesterday, I told you I would stay† symbolizes Julia having to remind Winston of her good intentions.Track #7 Song: Wake Up Artist: Arcade Fire Album: FuneralSomethin' filled up My heart with nothin' Someone told me not to cry Now that I'm older My heart's colder (cont.) And I can see that it's a lie Children wake up Hold your mistake up Before they turn the summer into dust If the children don't grow up Our bodies get bigger But our hearts get torn up We're just a million Little God's causin' rainstorms Turnin' every good thing to rust I guess we'll just have to adjust With my lighnin' bolts a glowin' I can see where I am goin' to be When the reaper, reaches And touches my hand With my lighnin' bolts a glowin' I can see where I am goin' With my lighnin' bolts a glowin' I can see where I am go, goin' You'd better look out belowâ€Å"Wake Up† significance: Winston often reminisces about his past and how different it is from his current circumstances. He misses the innocence of childhood and how the world was a much better place during that time, so the lyrics â€Å"Turnin’ every good thing to rust, I guess we’ll just have to adjust†Ã‚  signifies him trying to cope with his new environment even though it’s an awful place. Track #8 Song: Viola Lion Artist: Isles & Glaciers Album: The Hearts of Lonely PeopleI am a million pieces of the sky I found a way to be alone I'm gonna wait until you want me Until you finally decide to go home Diamonds, diamonds are you all in the sky? I can't believe all of these beautiful lies As they surround me I will take a photograph of the sky Bury me, bury me Come on, bury me alone in the light I am, I'm gonna run this like a lion Another way to be alone And I will wait until you find me Until you finally decide to go home (Don't go home! Don't go home!) Diamonds, diamonds are you all in the sky? I can't believe all of these beautiful lies As they surround me I will take a photograph of the sky Bury me, bury me Come on, bury me alone in the light I've never had a reason to take me away I want it to be over But I sit here and wait [x2] I saw her smiling from the top of the world I saw her sleeping on, amazing I know If you lower, lower, lower me down You lower me clearly, so come and lower me Diamonds, diamonds are you all in the sky? I can't believe all of these beautiful lies As they surround me I will take a photograph of the sky Bury me, bury me Diamonds, diamonds are you all in the sky? I can't believe all of these beautiful lies As they surround me I will take a photograph of the sky Bury me, bury me Bury me, bury meâ€Å"Viola Lion† significance: Throughout the course of the novel, Winston is convinced that the government is lying to the people, so he meets up with a leader of an underground revolt organization to uncover these top-secret lies, which he never actually ends up doing. By the end he’s brainwashed and believes anything the Party does is right and they can do no wrong, so the line â€Å"I can’t believe all of these beautiful lies† really becomes true in the most literal sense.Track #9 Song: Midnight City Artist: M83 Album: Hurry Up, We’re DreamingWaiting in a car Waiting for a ride in the dark The night city grows Look and see her eyes, they glow Waiting in a car Waiting for a ride in the dark Drinking in the lounge Following the neon signs Waiting for a roar Looking at the mutating skyline The city is my church It wraps me in the sparkling twilight Waiting in a car Waiting for the right time Waiting in a car Waiting for the right time Waiting in a car Waiting for the right time Waiting in a car Waiting for the right time Waiting in a car â€Å"Midnight City† significance: The novel and this song don’t relate merely on lyrics, but are relevant to each other because of the high-energy vibe this song has, which is mirrored by the Party’s constant tenacity to make Big Brother as powerful as it can be, and to crush all opposing forces. They seem to know no bounds, and their energy is always extremely high whenever they’re volunteering for their government.Track #10 Song: July Artist: Youth Lagoon Album: The Year of HibernationExplosions pillaging the night From the fireworks on the Fourth of July It's just my lady, our friends, and I Smoking cigars and yelling at cars as they drive by We scaled a ladder ascending to the roof While five years ago I wept and no one knew Holding my guitar, I strummed a tune I sang â€Å"I love you but I have to cut you loose† As the neighbor lights off the small bombs we watch from the rooftop†¦ safely, so safely If I had never let go, then only God knows where I would be know I made a bridge between us then I slowly burned it Five years ago, in my backyard I sang love away (cont.) Little did I know that real love had not quite yet found meâ€Å"July† significance: While Winston was incarcerated, tortured and brainwashed at the Thought Police facility, he was thinking about his true feelings for Julia. He realized he would never see her again, and that to stay alive as long as possible he needed to direct his mind elsewhere. After all the emotional and physical pain he was experi enced there, he lost the ability to feel emotions. He only thought about the instinct for survival, all the while doctors were hurting him more by claiming that he was insane. The line â€Å"I love you but I have to cut you loose† relates Winston forgetting about Julia, because he did love her when he got arrested, but those feelings ended up fading.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Personal Statement On Self Management - 930 Words

1/ First score Second Score 48 53 1. Accepting personal responsibility 64 70 2. Discovering self-motivation 40 52 3. Mastering self-management 50 58 4. Employing self-management 52 52 5. Gaining self-awareness 61 63 6. Adopting lifelong learning 60 60 7. Developing emotional intelligence 68 68 8. Believing in myself 2/ After doing the self-assessment chart again, I have realized that I have had a significant change since the beginning of this course, especially in self-management and self-motivation areas. I believe when I wrote down my personal affirmation, and then kept repeating it over and over; it has already aimed my thoughts to the positive way. Moreover, I also strengthened my personal qualities needed to achieve my goals and dreams such as confidence and self-discipline. As a result of that, my new thought is created along with changed my outcomes as well as experiences for the better way. For example, by telling myself I’m a confident person, now I usually raise my hand whenever I know the answer as well as try my best to contribute more in class. Even more, I also meet my professor after class to discuss more the lecture in order to help me deeply understand it. Another ability that I help me a lot during this class is self-management. This also became one of my motivation fac tors in studying college and after graduate. I have learned how I can get all my tasksShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Self Management1773 Words   |  8 Pages Self-Management Strength: Self-management requires one to be able to accomplish one’s goals and is responsible for one’s own behavior and well-being. Self-management skill is not only important for oneself, but it can affect one’s surroundings: organization and people. A manager should possess an understanding of ethical issues, have strong work ethic, have high tolerance for ambiguity, and express responsibility toward commitments. 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