Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gender, Labor, and livelihoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gender, Labor, and livelihoods - Essay Example In my opinion, the gender difference is being lessened due to escalating female participation and decreasing male participation. I also presume that the lessening male participation is due to the rising enrollment of young males in tertiary and secondary education (Elson 613). Two, the transformation to paid work for women is expected to enhance the bargaining power of women in the family. Three, by engaging women in paid labor, it ensures sufficient distribution of women and men in significant economic sectors, for example, transport and services, construction and agriculture. Four, paid labor for females ensures that there is a decrease in gender stereotyping in employment. I presume this will guarantee equal distribution of females and males across broad occupational categories and sectors. Consequently, these causes development as more women are paid to work in the productive economy and less are left to work in the reproductive economy, for example caring for friends and familie s, thus, complementing their male counterparts in the productive economy leading to development in a country (Elson 618). Question 2 Global labor markets may be presumed to be gendered institutions. Economy experts frequently assess labor markets as neutral areas whereby sellers and buyers interact. Sellers and buyers are distinguished by sex and as having different preferences and endowments in the labor markets. In my view, there is discrimination on the basis of sex if there is not an account by the dissimilarities in elements, for example, job experience and education. I suppose discrimination on the basis of sex may be treated as lasting depending on the tastes of employers (Elson 611). In addition, the relation between an employer and an employee in the global labor market is not gender ascriptive in a similar way as the relationship between a husband and wife. Nevertheless, the relation between an employer and an employee is a bearer of gender in the sense that it contains a number of social stereotypes which link masculinity with possessing authority over people in the place of work. It also contains stereotypes depicting what the work of a man and the work of a woman should be. The informal and formal laws which design the venture of labor markets are manifestations of the gender relations of the society in which the labor market is rooted. Therefore, I suppose global labor markets illustrate existing issues of gender subordination and domination, and also the potential for change, subordination, and tensions which is a feature of any gender association even if authority is not equally distributed. In my view, the most significant way in which labor markets are gendered institutions is how they function at the juncture of manners of making a living and care. Question 3 There are a number of factors which may address this issue. Number one is work hours. Research carried out in Bangladesh indicates that between 1990 and 1991, male employees were workin g for approximately 53 hours per week, while female employees worked for approximately 56 hours per week. In addition, these female employees were also involved in longer hours of unpaid labor in the reproductive sector than male employees (Elson 613). Therefore, the hours of working makes people working in export oriented
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Leadership Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Leadership Scenario - Essay Example Various leadership theories will help in increasing the productivity and maximizing the benefits of innovation and gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. The study will try to solve various managerial issues related to the case study with the guidance of varied leadership theories and models. The case study deals with the complexities faced by two employees in departmental store working under two separate heads. The author of the study will also lay emphasis on the different working procedures of the managers and its impact on the performance of the employees. The study will give an insight into components of leadership theories like transformational, path goal, equity and need goal theory. Finally, the study will conclude recommendations of leadership theories which will help in improvement of performance of the employees and also increase their morale. (b) Case 1: Transformational leadership It is observed that the two departmental store workers Alex and Stephanie work under different managers. It is also observed that the leadership and managerial traits exhibited by these two managers are absolutely distinctive from each other and their impact on the work performance of the employees is absolutely different from each other. ... This allows her to test her creativity skills and also improve her interaction skills communicating largely with the customers and colleagues. However, Alex has been working continuously in single department for weeks which has increased his dissatisfaction and lowered his morale considerably. It is evident from the case study that Dan exhibits an autocratic leadership style which has not only promoted a non congenial work atmosphere but also has lowered the moral of Alex. Transformational leadership style will help the employees to become more active due to their inner motivation, which is triggered by the managers (Hautala, 2006). Transformational leadership theory is directly related to higher productivity, lower employee turnover rates and increasing the morale of the employees. Transformational leadership includes components of charismatic, inspirational leadership, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation (Ozaralli, 2003). This theory would serve purposeful in enhancing the personality of the managers by enhancing their personality and improving their attitude. Transformational leadership would help in improving the managerial situation and help Dan to portray a positive attitude (Godwin, Neck & Houghton, 2000). It would help Dan to improve his mentality and also he may think of providing rewards, incentives to the employees working under him including Alex. (c) Case 2: Goal Setting Theory Alex has been working in the stocking department since a long time, which has not only created monotonous, dissatisfaction within him but has also instilled negative attitude in him. Unlike, Stephanie, Alex is dissatisfied with his work procedure and is reluctant to resolve his potential issues with his immediate manager. It is evident
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Rape And Issues In The World Today Criminology Essay
Rape And Issues In The World Today Criminology Essay Rape is a huge issue that plagues the world today. It is a worldwide issue, and is not specific to any one country. Rape also can impact anyone at any time. It is not specific to any one neighborhood, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or financial status. Rapes continue to happen frequently, and yet many are not reported to the police. Rape is widely thought to be the most underreported crime. There are many stigmas that go along with rape, so it makes it difficult to come forward. Also, it is sometimes difficult to prove rape when there are no physical signs. The victim may also fear being further victimized through the investigative process, so the crime is not reported. Furthermore, with the easy availability of illegal drugs, date rape has become more commonplace. Although date rape can occur without drugs, many times people use illegal substances to render their victims powerless against their advances. This is one form of date rape. In these cases, the victims do not even know what happened to them, and if they were even raped. Some of the drugs can create loss of memory, so it makes it impossible for the victim to express what happened. There are many different drugs used for date rape. Some, like alcohol, are not illegal substances. However, many of the drugs used in date rape are illegal substances. Rape can leave the victim feeling powerless. Many victims experience rape trauma syndrome, which can severely impact their lives. With the prevalence of rape in all communities, it is crucial for people to stay vigilant and aware of their surroundings. Although it is impossible to ensure complete security, there are ways to maintain safety. It is important for everyone to make their own drinks so that no one can slip any drugs into them. Also, a buddy system can be very beneficial to help everyone stay safe, and not end up a bad situation. Reasons Why Rape is Underreported Rape is one of the most underreported crimes. The Uniform Crime Report is an annual report that includes offenses reported to law enforcement agencies at the city, county, and state levels (Meadows, 2010, p. 5). This report details the offenses that are reported to the authorities. The National Crime Victimization Survey is a source of data that recognized incidents not reported to the police and includes a detailed report of crime incidents, victims involved, and trends affecting victims (Meadows, 2010, p. 9). Both the Uniform Crime Report and the National Crime Victimization Survey include information about rape, yet they each report drastically different numbers. There are significantly more rapes reported in the National Crime Victimization Survey than in the Uniform Crime Report. It has been reported by the U.S. Department of Justice that only 31% of all rapes are reported to the authorities (Arrigo, 2006, p. 108). This creates a problem in the criminal justice field because it is difficult to put a stop to rape when most people do not report their victimization. There are many reasons why rape is underreported. The National Crime Victimization Survey found that the most common reason given by victims of violent crime (including rape) for not reporting a crime was that it was a private or personal matter (Meadows, 2010, ps. 9-10). Other reasons why victims may not report rape include fear of reprisal, embarrassment, or the belief that the victim may not be believed (Meadows, 2010, p. 10). These issues all contribute to the underreporting of rape. Rape is a profoundly different type of crime as the attacker is using their body as a weapon. Instead of merely stealing some personal item that can be replaced, the attacker takes something from the victims body and mind, which can never be replaced. This ordeal may only last a few minutes, but feels like hours to the victim as they wonder what will happen next. Also, it can last longer in cases of gang rapes. Once the event is finally over and the victim realizes they have survived, they may not want to talk about it with anyone, and especially not law enforcement officers and prosecutors. Rape truly is the most personal of all crimes. Many people do not talk about sexual matters at all, so they are even less likely to discuss rape. If someone was raised in an environment where they did not talk about sexual things, they will be less likely to report a rape as an adult. It is difficult enough for the victim to get through the actual experience, and victims do not want to have to relive it several times with many different people. Unfortunately, that is the only way to bring justice to the attacker. If the victim comes forward about the attack, they will have to talk to the police at least once, talk to the prosecutor, and talk to the judge or jury depending on the type of case. It would not be as difficult if the victim only had to discuss the issue once, but they continually have to discuss it with different people, all of whom are strangers to them. Rape can occur between a stranger and a victim, but many sexual assaults, however, occur between victims and offenders who know each other (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). This leads the victim to fear retaliation if they do report the attack. Many rapists may even threaten the victim to prevent them from going to the police. Victims take these threats seriously because the attacker has already shown their violent nature, so they may be capable of much worse. In the case of date rape, the attacker may know where the victim lives and works, and this makes their threats more dangerous because they know how to find the victim. A survey of college women showed that 38% reported sexual victimization that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape, yet only 1 in 25, or 4% reported the incident to the police (Arrigo, 2006, p. 109). This is just a small illustration of how many rapes go unreported, and how many rapists are free to rape again. Rape victims also have to fear the embarrassment that a rape case can bring. When someone does report a rape and it goes to court, the defense may try to prove it was consensual, or that the victim wanted it. Also, the police officers may ask questions that appear to blame the victim. Although there are laws protecting rape victims to a certain extent, there is still embarrassment that goes along with reporting a rape. Many date rape victims are reluctant to report the act for fear that their own behavior will be scrutinized by others (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). This may be because many of the victims of date rape had been drinking or otherwise involved in some type of festivity when the rape occurred (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). Because of their partying, victims may not want to come forward. This also brings embarrassment into their family. It the rape is reported to the police, the family will find out eventually, and the victim may not want them to know. They may want to protect their fam ily, or are simply too embarrassed about the attack. They may not want their parents to know the terrible thing that was done to them. They also may feel partially responsible because they had too much to drink. Ultimately, they do not want to have to talk to complete strangers about what someone did to their own body. Rape is also underreported because victims fear they will not be believed. Many rape cases end up being he said, she said because there is no physical evidence. If there are no bruises or cuts on the victim, it is difficult to prove rape. The emergency room doctor can do a rape kit shortly after the attack to see if there is any evidence. However, even if bodily fluids are found on the victim, that only proves that there was a sexual encounter, it does not prove whether or not it was a consensual act. Many rapists may use verbal threats to get the victim to comply, so there may be no physical marks or bruising. Some women fight back, but others do not because of fear. Rapists may have a weapon they threaten the victims with, so it may be smarter not to fight back in that case. However, this makes it difficult to prosecute. If victims know that there are no bruises or cuts on their body, and it will be difficult to win a case, they many not even report it. Some victims may not report rapes because they do not trust the police. This is especially seen in certain cultures that exhibit a distrust of law enforcement. This may be for many reasons. They may have grown up in a low-income environment where many people participated in illegal activities. They also may have had negative personal experiences with police officers. Also, if they are in the country illegally, they are less likely to report a crime. They may also have a friend or family member who was arrested, and that makes them dislike the police as well. It can also be difficult for victims to come forward regarding sexual assault due to the large percentage of male law enforcement officers. When someone reports a rape, they are asked extremely precise and intimate questions about what exactly the attacker did to them. They have to give details about the encounter that may be difficult to talk about, and it is even worse when the victim is female, and has to discuss it with a male. Although males can be victims of sexual assault, many victims are females, and they have to talk to male officers about their sexual assault. It is uncomfortable for many people to talk to a stranger about anything sexual, so to discuss a sexual assault is even worse. This is made even more challenging as officers can sometimes seem to be uncaring. The officers job is to collect the information about the crime. They are not responsible for consoling the victim, so they may come across as being abrupt or unsympathetic. This only causes the victim more pain as they have to discuss the assault and feel like they are not getting any sympathy. These are only a few of the reasons why rape is underreported. Victims have their own reasons for not reporting rapes, including fear of embarrassment, fear of retaliation, and the fear that they will not be believed. They also may not want to discuss this due to the personal nature of the crime. Victims may just want to move on with their lives and act like the assault never happened. What is date rape? There are many different types of rape. One type is called stranger rape. This is when a complete stranger rapes someone. These rapists often use weapons and threats of violence to gain the victims submission (Arrigo, 2006). However, the most common type of rape is called date rape. This occurs when someone is raped by a person they know. They may be on a date with this person, or be socializing with them at a party. This is extremely common, and often happens on college campuses. Date rape can also include when the assailant uses some type of drugs to make the victim powerless against the attack. Most rapes occur between victims and attackers who are known to each other. In fact, among victims 18-29 years old, two-thirds had a prior relationship with the rapist (Meadows, 2010, p. 97). Many rapists attack ex-girlfriends, casual acquaintances, or people they are currently dating. These rapes are especially difficult as the attacker is someone the victim knows and trusts. The victim may even have to see the rapist around town if they decide not to report the rape. In addition, studies on college campuses have indicated that date rape is increasing (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). An alarming survey shows that more than half of a representative sample of more than 1,000 female students at a large urban university had experienced some form of unwanted sex (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). Of these reported acts, twelve percent were done by casual dates, while 43 percent were done by steady dating partners (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). One study found that many women raped by men they know do not think of themselves as rape victims (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). Perhaps they think the rape was simply a misunderstanding. Still another study shows that date rape primarily occurs when the date was unplanned or the woman had been picked up in a social setting (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). Further studies have shown that 1 in 4 college women . . . [have] been raped or [have] suffered an attempted rape (Arrigo, 2006, p.109). These studies show the frequency of date rape occurring on colleg e campuses. Many researchers have attempted to determine why date rape is so prevalent on college campuses. Mary P. Koss is considered to be one of the most prolific researchers on rape (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 403). Koss conducted much research on college campuses, and found that 73% of the rape victims reported that the offender was drinking (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 403). Some researchers point to the college lifestyle as the reason why date rape is so common. Fraternities can contribute to the formation of attitudes that and behaviors that objectify women and normalize sexual coercion (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 403). Fraternity parties have a long history of underage drinking and random sexual acts. This is a problem when the sexual acts are not consensual. Furthermore, fraternities are about brotherhood, and this creates a preoccupation with loyalty, group protection and security, use of alcohol as a weapon, involvement in violence and physical force, and an emphasis on competitiveness and superiori ty (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 403). This brotherhood mentality makes it difficult for anyone to come forward if they witness anything inappropriate. Even if a victim comes forward, the attackers entire fraternity house may come to his defense, making it difficult to win a criminal case. Date rape is far too common amongst young people today. Victims do not typically come forward to report what happened, which leaves the rapist able to do the same thing to yet another victim. The partying lifestyle found at some colleges contributes to the rape problem. Parties can end up being a place where drunken men force themselves upon others, who are unable to resist. The victim is left feeling helpless and afraid, and in some cases may not even know what happened. Drugs Used in Date Rape Sometimes rapists use drugs to make their victim drowsy or unable to fight back. There are many different types of drugs used in this way. Rohypnol, gamma hydroxybutyric acid (more commonly known as GHB), and ketamine are just a few date rape drugs that may be slipped into an unwilling participants drink. These drugs are used for date rape because they produce prolonged sedation, a feeling of well-being, and short-term memory loss (Meadows, 2010, p. 98). In addition, many drugs on the market have no particular color, smell, or taste, which makes it easy to add to a victims drink without anyone knowing (Meadows, 2010, p. 99). Because these drugs can create short-term memory loss, the victim may not even know if they were raped or not. Rohypnol is a drug prescribed for insomnia, and is also used as preoperative anesthetic (Meadows, 2010). It also has medical uses as a muscle relaxant, hypnotic, anti-convulsant, sedative, and anti-anxiety medication (Schmalleger, 2009). Rohypnol is the trade name for flunitrazepam. It is a benzodiazepine, and is a central nervous system depressant. Rohypnol can incapacitate victims and prevent them from resisting sexual assault (Meadows, 2010, p. 99). It also can create anterograde amnesia, which makes the victim not remember anything that happened while under the influence of the drug. The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within about thirty minutes of ingesting the drug (Weiss, 2008). The effects of Rohypnol can last from one to eight hours (Schmalleger, 2009). This can make the entire night a blur, and the victim may not remember anything about the night. A further danger of Rohypnol is that it can be lethal when it is mixed with alcoholic beverages or other depressants. This coul d cause a date rape to turn into a murder. This drug is not approved for use in the United States. However, the drug became more commonplace in the 1990s for date rape purposes, and became known as a roofie (Meadows, 2010). Gamma hydroxybutyric acid is another central nervous system depressant. GHB, also called Liquid X, has been used since the 1990s in the United States for its euphoric, sedative, and anabolic (body-building) effects (Meadows, 2010, p. 100). This drug was actually sold in health food stores in the 1980s and the early 1990s (Meadows, 2010). Like Rohypnol, GHB can have negative effects if taken with alcoholic beverages. It can cause breathing problems and nausea (Meadows, 2010). GHB can take effect within fifteen minutes of being drugged (Weiss, 2008). The effects of GHB can last between three and six hours (Meadows 2010). Some of the effects of GHB use are slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior without odor of alcohol, [and] impaired memory of events (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 540). Also, a study was conducted with 17 GHB users being interviewed about their drug use. This study found that while on the drug, 65% of users had an increased sexual desire, and 47% had decreased sexual inhibitions (Lee Levounis, 2008). Some of the subjects even mentioned that GHB could cause poor decision making in sexual situations (Lee Levounis, 2008, p. 245). This further illustrates why assailants would use this drug. If the victim is given too much GHB, the effects of overdose include shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, and possible death (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 540). This drug can be very dangerous. Ketamine, also known as Special K, is another date rape drug. Ketamine is used in the United States as an anesthetic, and is predominantly used on animals in veterinary offices (, 2011). According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, recent press reports indicate that a significant number of veterinary clinics are being robbed specifically for their ketamine stock (, 2011). Thieves are stealing the ketamine and selling it as a drug to party-goers. It can come in a clear liquid form, so it is very easy to slip into drinks undetected. This drug is often used as a club drug, so it is easily accessible to students who may be planning a date rape. Some of the effects of ketamine are delirium, amnesia, depression, and long-term memory and cognitive difficulties (, 2011). This drug, like GHB and Rohypnol, leaves the victim unsure of what has taken place. The effects of ketamine can be felt almost immediately (Weiss, 2008). Also, the victim m ay be aware of what is taking place, but unable to stop it (Weiss, 2008). One date rape drug that is commonly used at parties is alcohol. According to the National Womens Health Information Center, any drug that can affect judgment and behavior can put a person at risk for unwanted or risky sexual activity (Weiss, 2008). This definition includes alcohol. Even though the victim may be willingly ingesting the alcohol, someone may take advantage of them once they are drunk. Alcohol can make it difficult to think clearly, harder to tell if a situation is dangerous, and harder to fight back if attacked (Weiss, 2008). Also, like the other date rape drugs, alcohol can cause memory loss, or a black out (Weiss, 2008). The victim may black out and be raped, and not remember what happened the next day. One common effect of date rape drugs is their ability to inhibit the victims memory. These drugs cause short-term memory loss so the victim is unsure if they were raped. This makes it less likely that the victim will report the incident to the police. In fact, the victim may not even realize they were drugged at all. If the victim was drinking the night before, it is possible they will think they simply had too much to drink. This further illustrates why date rape is drastically underreported. What Happens in the Emergency Room? After someone is raped, they may need medical attention. Most often they visit their local emergency room for treatment. It is estimated that 75% of female rape victims require medical attention after their attack (Arrigo, 2006, p. 109). Although different areas and hospitals may have different procedures for handling a rape victim, typically the process is similar. The medical staff will call law enforcement to make a police report, will call the local rape crisis group, will call the Division of Family and Children Services if a minor is involved, and will perform a full examination of the victim. When the police officer arrives to take a report of the alleged rape, they must speak to the victim. They will ask the victim to recall everything that happened in the attack. If the area has a local rape crisis advocacy group, there may be a victims advocate there to help the victim with this process. In an ideal situation, the victim can explain to the officer, victims advocate, and medical staff what took place at the same time so they do not have to repeat themselves. However, many times all parties are not present at the same time, and the victim is forced to relive the event multiple times. The victim must give details about the location of the attack, and what the attacker did specifically. They must tell exactly where the attacker touched them, and where the attacker kissed them. All of this information is crucial for the evidence collection process. Once the police officer has made the report, they will leave. The victim will undergo a thorough medical examination to ensure there are no health concerns. Depending on the nature of the attack, the victim may have a pregnancy test done. Charlotte Murton, a rape crisis specialist, noted that it is also common for the medical staff to check for gonorrhea and Chlamydia (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). The victims must follow up with their personal doctor or local health department to have a more complete sexually transmitted disease screen at a later time. Most victims are also given antibiotics to ward off possible infection. The medical staff will also check for any tearing or irritation in the areas of the attack. When the victim goes to the emergency room, they may have the option to do a rape kit or evidence kit. If the assault happened within 120 hours of the emergency room visit, the medical staff can do the evidence kit (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). This will help collect evidence for a possible trial if the victim decides to press charges. This process is extremely invasive and can even be painful, but it is the only way to collect certain evidence. Typically a rape crisis advocate will stay with the victim throughout the entire process. The process for collecting evidence in Augusta, Georgia is very specific, although the order may be changed. First, the victim must stand on a large piece of paper and undress. The paper is there to collect any loose fibers as the victim undresses. The victims clothes will then be bagged up separately in case there is evidence on the clothes (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). All of t he clothes, including underwear, will be kept as evidence. Once the victim is undressed, the medical staff will do a visual inspection to see if there are any obvious injuries. If so, these injuries will be documented and photographed. Then the victim will have to give 25 hairs from their head (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). This serves to show the DNA of the victim. Any areas the victim was licked or kissed will be swabbed for possible DNA. There also may be a swab of the victims mouth if there was any type of oral contact. The victim will then lie down with a large piece of paper below them to catch any loose hairs or fibers. The nurse will use a comb on the victims pubic hair to gather any loose hairs that may be from the attacker (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). The nurse must then use a special comb that rips out hair to gather 25 of the victims pubic hairs from the root (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). This process is especially painful. The nurse will also use a black light to see if there are any fluids that fluoresce. If something does show up, that area will be swabbed (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, September 17, 2010). If the victim fought against the attacker, the nurse will clean under the victims nails to get possible debris. The nurse will also swab the victims vagina, anus, or penis depending on the nature of the attack (Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services Volunteer Training, 2010). If the victim was drugged and is unsure what happened, all areas will be swabbed. There will be several swabs of each area. The victim will then be given clothes or scrubs to wear home. In areas that have a rape crisis center, volunteer advocates are on call at all times to help a victim in need. They are called in to be with the victim throughout the entire emergency room visit, and will follow up with the victim at a later date. These advocates act as liaisons between the victim, medical staff, and police officers. They can let the victim know what to expect in the examinations, and what to expect if they press charges. They also have information about places to obtain counseling and support. This is particularly important for victims who do not have family or friends with them in the emergency room. The process that victims undergo at the emergency room can be very painful and draining. They have to relive the experience to many different people and discuss extremely private matters. Many times, law enforcement officers are male, and the victim must discuss sexual things with this male. This proves to be a difficult experience as sometimes victims are not even able to articulate what happened. They may want to forget about it or not talk about it. Then they have to go through a medical examination to make sure they are healthy. If they decide not to do an evidence kit, it is still recommended that a doctor do a pelvic exam and take swabs for possible sexually transmitted diseases. If the victim does decide to go through with an evidence kit, it is a painful and invasive process. There may even be pictures taken of the victims body if there are bruises or cuts. In addition, in some areas the rape kits may not even be tested. The Texas Tribune reports that the state is so behind i n testing rape kits that it is impossible to catch up (Grissom, 2011). Some unprocessed rape kits in Texas date back to the 1980s (Grissom, 2011). Even if the kits are processed, it can take a year before the results are known (Grissom, 2011). This gives insight into why so many rapes go unreported, and why so many people choose not to have an evidence kit. Consequences of Rape Rape is a horrifying and invasive crime. It has the potential to completely change the victims life. With some crimes, once the actual crime is over, the victim can move on with their life. This is not the case with rape victims. Once the attack is over, there are many other issues the victim will encounter. Many victims of rape experience long-term consequences of their attack. There may be physical consequences deriving from the attack. There also may be emotional consequences. Many rape victims have difficulties returning to their normal lives after the attack. They may exhibit symptoms of rape trauma syndrome, a type of post-traumatic stress disorder. There are many physical consequences that can arise from rape. The victim may become pregnant from the attack. This leads to a difficult decision for the victim, made even more difficult if they do not believe abortion is an appropriate option. Some women may have religious or personal views that prevent them from getting an abortion, and thus are forced to go through a pregnancy resulting from a rape. In addition, the adult rape pregnancy rate is actually increasing based on United States Census Reports (Meadows 2010). It is estimated that there may be 32,100 rape-related pregnancies annually among America women over the age of 18 years (Meadows, 2010, p. 102). This statistic does not even include all the minors who become pregnant due to a sexual assault. Rape victims can also contract sexually transmitted diseases from the attack. Depending on the disease, there may be an easy cure, or they may have to live with the disease for the rest of their lives. If they contract acquired immune deficiency syndrome, more commonly known as AIDS, their life may actually be shortened. This is why many emergency rooms administer antibiotics when someone claims they have been raped. This is an attempt to cure a disease before it is even diagnosed. Also, some emergency rooms may have prophylactic treatment for those who may have been exposed to AIDS. Rape victims may also have acute injuries resulting from the rape (Meadows 2010). Depending on the level of violence in the rape, these injuries can be minimal to severe. Typically the most violent rapes are stranger rapes. This is because stranger rapists are more likely to involve the use of a weapon (Arrigo, 2006, p. 109). This weapon is most frequently a knife (Arrigo, 2006). If the attacker used the knife to stab the victim, there may be internal injuries or bleeding. Attackers also may beat their victims. This can lead to simple cuts and bruises or more complex injuries like broken ribs. In addition, the victim may experience vaginal or rectal tears from the rape. There are both emotional and psychological issues resulting from rape that are included in rape trauma syndrome. There are two phases of rape trauma syndrome. The first phase is the acute phase. In the acute phase, the victim experiences a complete disruption of her life, resulting from the violence she experienced (Meadows, 2010, p. 38). The victim may have a range of emotions during the acute phase, including crying, shouting, swearing, or laughing inappropriately (Meadows, 2010, p. 38). The victim may experience severe mood swings, and change emotions very quickly. They may be fearful to even leave their home. If the attack happened in their home, they may not feel safe living there anymore. The second phase of rape trauma syndrome is the reorganization phase. In the reorganization phase, victims must reorganize their lives (Meadows, 2010). This is accomplished with help from friends and family members (Meadows, 2010). During this phase, the victims have to learn ways to cope with their daily lives, and the disturbing thoughts that may enter their minds at any time. They may return to work and attempt to move on, but the pain and fear is still present in their minds. There are many different symptoms of rape trauma syndrome. Some of the symptoms include fear, helplessness, shock, disbelief, guilt, humiliation, embarrassment, anger, self-blame, flashbacks of the rape, avoidance of previously pleasurable activities, avoidance of the place or circumstances in which the rape occurred, depression, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, and impaired memory (Meadows, 2010, p. 102). These symptoms greatly inhibit the victims ability to heal and move on with their life. They may be happy one moment, and then suddenly be overcome with sadness and not able to understand where the sadness originated. While in the acute phase they may experience a wide range of emotions. When they enter the reorganization phase, they may not have quite as many mood swings, but may experience flashbacks of the attack. This contributes to their insomnia. Victims are afraid to go to sleep because they may have nightmares of the attack. They also lost their sense of control when they were attacked, and going to sleep leaves them vulnerable yet again.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Ethical Issues of Sex Pre-Selection Essay -- Exploratory Essays Re
The Ethical Issues of Sex Pre-Selection Although science is at a peak for overwhelming and astonishing outbreaks, the ethical issues concerning these ââ¬Å"out breaksâ⬠have been inadequately addressed. As the options that couples that are desperate to have a child expand, so do too the expectations of whom the child becomes. Couples are able to choose a donor, of either gender, based on characteristics that they see fit to their liking. Although imperfect, couples now have the ability to choose their childââ¬â¢s gender. ââ¬Å"Medicine tends to be patient-driven at the moment.â⬠Said Charles Strom, MD, PhD, director of medical genetics at Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago. ââ¬Å"A patient needs something and physicians do all they can to provide that service, and that sometimes makes one shortcut the ethical considerations.â⬠With our vast opportunities in reproductive technology, ââ¬Å"one thing thatââ¬â¢s not been well defined is what really constitutes research and what is [merely] improvement in clinical design,â⬠Dr. Strom said. (Foubister) Sperm retrieval, in which an elec...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Tragic Hero Essay
William Shakespeare is an English poet and play right. His plays mainly consisted of comedies, history, and tragedies. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare. For a play to be a tragedy there must be a tragic hero. In Shakespeare plays, tragedy is identified as a story that ends unhappily due to the fall of the protagonist, which is the tragic. In this play there are two tragic heroes. Romeo and Juliet are both the tragic heroes. To be a tragic hero they must be from a high estate, have a tragic flaw, and the tragic flaw is the cause of their downfall.A tragic hero must be from a high estate or well- known family. For a family to be of a high status means to be a well- known family of wealth. Both Romeo and Juliet are from high estates. Juliet is a Capulet a well- known family but not as high status as the Montagues. Romeo is a Montague a family of higher status than the Capulets. You know Romeo is of high status when it is said by Benvolio in Act 1, Scene 1, in Line 141: ââ¬Ëâ⬠My noble uncle. ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢ As mentioned in the prologue both families successful merchants, large houses, and many servants.Both of these families are of high estate and well- known by the people of Verona. Tragic heroes must also have a tragic flaw to them. Both tragic heroes have a tragic flaw. Romeoââ¬â¢s tragic flaw is that he does not think before he does something. He rushed to kill himself as soon as he believed that Juliet was dead. ââ¬Ëâ⬠For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢ -Said by Romeo in Act I, Scene V, in Line 52. The audience can quickly identify Romeo's flaw of falling in love too quickly and deeply when he forgets about his feelings for Rosaline and concentrates on Juliet.Juliet too realizes that Romeo's love for her was too fast when she said: ââ¬Ëâ⬠It is too rash; too undvis'd, too sudden. ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢ (Act II, Scene II, Lines 117-118). Julietââ¬â¢s tragic flaw is that she i s too loyal to Romeo. When she wakes up she sees that Romeo has poisoned himself, so she kills herself with his dagger. ââ¬Ëâ⬠I will kiss thy lips, haply some poison yet doth hang on them to me die with a restorative. â⬠ââ¬â¢ Said by Juliet in Act IV, Scene III, in Line 165- 167. Most tragic flaws are usually the cause of a characters downfall. Romeoââ¬â¢s tragic flaw was cause of his downfall.His tragic flaw was that he did not think before acted. He heard that Juliet was dead so he went and got some poison and drank it when he saw Juliet; thinking she was dead. While he is dying she had awaken and then he realizes he made a fatal mistake. Julietââ¬â¢ tragic flaw was also a cause of her downfall. Her loyalty for Romeo drives her to suicide when she awakes and sees that Romeo is dying because of the poison he drank; she takes his dagger and stabs herself. As she stabs herself she says ââ¬Ëâ⬠This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die. â⬠ââ¬â ¢ (Act V, Scene III, Line 170).Romeo and Juliet both let their tragic flaws cause their downfall. To be a tragic hero you must be from a high estate, have a tragic flaw, and the tragic flaw is the cause of your downfall. Romeo and Juliet are both part of high estate. Romeoââ¬â¢s family being of higher status. Both Romeo and Juliet have tragic flaws. Romeoââ¬â¢s tragic flaw being that he does not think before he does something. Romeo falls in love with Juliet upon meeting her therefore he did not think about it and just fell for her. Julietââ¬â¢s tragic flaw was that she is too loyal to Romeo.She takes her life away because Romeo killed himself for her so she kills herself. Romeo and Juliet both let their tragic flaw be the cause of their down fall. Romeo let his tragic flaw of not thinking before acting; kill himself before he realizes that Juliet is not dead. Juliet let her tragic flaw of being too loyal to Romeo and seeing that he is dead she commits suicide and stabs he rself with Romeoââ¬â¢s Dagger. Both Romeo and Juliet portray all the characteristics of being a tragic hero in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Appropriate Use of Transparency Essay
Transparency in management circles is considered a competitive advantage. It involves sharing all information that one is ready to share including uncomfortable one. Transparency implies communication, openness and accountability. Last year I worked in a Non Governmental organization where I found out that they were require being transparent by donors and other stakeholders for them to continue receiving funds and support. That time the organization was experiencing a high labor turnover because management felt that they knew what subordinate staff wanted. They thought they needed a salary increase while in real sense they needed better working conditions (Stever, 2012). When they start involving in decision making and transparency, trust and loyalty increased. Opponents of transparency argue that it is a bad idea to use transparency strategy where information may be misrepresented, distorted or misunderstood. Being transparent may take a lot of resources and more time hence slowing the organization process. It is argued that organizations that practice full transparency are easy target of attacks and are vulnerable to groups that feel alienated or underrepresented (Stever, 2012). It also a bad strategy where the company wants to keep trade secrets and other information that is unique. Another example is in management of international negotiation and agreements. Diplomats believe that a certain degree of ambiguity is necessary in successful negotiations. It is also a bad strategy to use in international politics and economic stability (Stever, 2012). It is believed that collapse of Briton wood exchange rate regime was to a large extent caused by inability to accommodate ambiguity. For leader to exert influence they must be transparent in order to make authoritative decisions, creating means of putting them into actions and creating support or them. Leaders who are transparent are trusted by their follower and build loyalty. This gives them a lot of influence. Reference Stever, E. W. (2012). Transparency. Rocky Point, N.Y.: Writers Ink Press. Source document
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
25 Legendary Excuses for Not Doing Homework
25 Legendary Excuses for Not Doing Homework Whatââ¬â¢s an excuse but a certain special perspective? One manââ¬â¢s excuse is another manââ¬â¢s explanation. Now, rather than going through the typical excuses that youââ¬â¢ll find through any basic Google sear, below is a list of legendary excuses for not doing homework. Do with them what you will, but regardless, thereââ¬â¢s some good material here! Before we start, find out more about our writing service, and theres a chance you wont need an excuse anymore. 1. Youââ¬â¢re preoccupied building a new 21st century startup. Itââ¬â¢s not easy to assemble effective virtual teams, handle the project management, take care of sourcing and retaining freelance talent, etc. 2. Youââ¬â¢re too busy taking advantage of this unprecedented era of technological innovation. 3. Sometimes itââ¬â¢s best to disengage the mind completely from a certain topic so that the information can marinate a bit longer. Hey, it pays off in the endâ⬠¦usually. 4. Instead of doing the homework you compromise and watch a few relevant online documentaries which turn into a gauntlet of YouTube videos that leave you drooling into your palm half zombified. 5. You donââ¬â¢t actually need to do the homework because your brain is to intelligence what the knife is to peanut butter sandwiches. 6. You decide to go study with some friends and on the way home. 7. Wait, homework? Simply shrug your shoulders and act completely disheveled because you must have missed the memo! 8. Well, you tried to do the homework (for about 30 seconds) but then it became clear that you needed to ask a couple questions first, or perhaps a tutor. 9. An inexplicable EMP shook your neighborhood and you werenââ¬â¢t able to save your work without warning. 10. You were too busy solving world hunger, fairly redistributing the worldââ¬â¢s wealth and getting rid of threat of rogue asteroids. 11. Youââ¬â¢ve got extracurricular activities coming out of your ears and collapsed seconds after getting home. 12. While on the way to class you were going over it one last time when an eerie gust of wind snatched it from your hands and for all you know itââ¬â¢s still sailing somewhere over Wisconsin right now. 13. Apparently due to current economic realities high quality homework is a valuable commodity. You got mugged! 14. There you were minding your own business when suddenly a drone descended from on-high and literally stole it. 15. You got stuck trying to sign up for Obamacare. 16. First your dog died in grandmaââ¬â¢s hands. Then she died. Whatââ¬â¢s worse is it was only after burying fluffy that you realized heââ¬â¢d eaten your homework. 17. You have no idea what anyone is talking about. You did the homework and turned it in on time (fingers crossed). 18. While fervently engrossed in your homework you spilled some soup on the keyboard and your laptop exploded. 19. Wait what? You totally emailed it to the right address and there hasnââ¬â¢t been a bounce-back yet soâ⬠¦ 20. Didnââ¬â¢t the Supreme Court just find that excessive homework is cruel and unusual punishment? Youââ¬â¢re just standing up for your rights! 21. On the way home from school a nice man with a sign explained that the end of the world was nigh, and no sane person does homework on the eve of the Apocalypse. 22. You had a nervous breakdown with three helpings of a panic attack with extra-crushing procrastination on the side. 23. In fact, studies have shown the many of the smartest people who have ever lived were procrastinators. Your not turning in homework on time is really just the inner creative genius expressing its unique sovereign identity. 24. To get a really thorough understanding of human handwriting from the western culture, aliens abducted your homework but promised to have it back to you in time so that it may be turned in tomorrow. 25. Someone called in sick and you really had no other choice but to work a double. Life is hard, what can ya do? 3 Tips for Employing Epic Excuses Here are three tips you can use when it comes time to let the excuses fly. With these three things in mind youââ¬â¢ll be better prepared no matter what excuse you choose. Know Thyself: If you hope to get an extension or have the teacher give you a break you better be able to pull this off with a straight face. If youââ¬â¢re horrible at fibbing you need to practice your excuse in the mirror until you actually begin to believe it. Expect Unbelief: Walk into the experience expecting the professor to not believe a word you have to say. Thatââ¬â¢s humbling and humble is a good place to be in. Admit Defeat: Turn the excuse into an explanation by admitting defeat first. Yes, you messed up. It was your responsibility and you goofed. But, hereââ¬â¢s why. See the difference between that and just straight out trying to lie? What do you think, will it work for you? Tell us in the comments!
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Problem of Social and Economic Inequality in Modern Society
The Problem of Social and Economic Inequality in Modern Society Introduction Nowadays, we have the opportunities to be the active participants of the social problems solving. In the past, people struggled for gaining these opportunities. However, it does not mean that the nature of social issues changed dramatically. Quite the opposite, the nature is, essentially, the same but the methods of their solving and the attitude of public towards them have undergone changes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Social and Economic Inequality in Modern Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The aim of this essay is to analyze the newspaper and magazine articles devoted to the problem of social inequality and economic welfare. The Articles Analysis The first article, which I am going to present, is The Future of Fair Labor by Jefferson Cowie. The author gives the overview of the historic process of the labor legislation reforming. Cowie emphasizes the importance of Franklin D. Rooseveltââ¬â¢s legislative act addressed to the employers and workers. The Presidentââ¬â¢s initiative laid the foundation of the modern employment legislation. ââ¬Å"It outlawed child labor, guaranteed a minimum wage, established the official length of the workweek at 40 hours, and required overtime pay for anything moreâ⬠(Cowie n.pag.). However, the author of the article states that the current situation in the field of employment regulation and legislation is rather vulnerable. It seems that the current legislation is too flexible in the sense that it gives to the employers the opportunity to find the loopholes. As a result, the substantial part of employees works the abnormal hours and does not obtain the appropriate remuneration. The author claims that it is the role of the government to ensure the efficiency of the current employment legislation. The second article is The 1 Percent Are Only Half the Problem by Timothy Noah. The economic inequality is the major th eme of the article. The author touches upon the problem of social stratification based on the differences in the economic welfare of the American population. Although he indicates to the significant gap between the wealthy individuals, whose weight in the total population accounts for only 1%, and the other part of the population, the weight of which is 99%, he argues that the problem should not be considered only in the context of the average income.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Noah claims that the access to education is the crucial factor of the social and economic welfare. The rise of the educated class should be taken into consideration (Noah n.pag.). The problem is twofold: on the one hand, the gap caused by the income inequality narrows, and, on the other hand, the educational gap widens. The Cuts that Keeps Bleeding is the third source, which deserves the sp ecial attention. It presents the statistical information on the dynamics in government spending on education. According to the data presented in the article, the funding of the education has been reduced by 28% since 2008 (ââ¬Å"The Cuts that Keepsâ⬠11). It is clear that the decrease in financing affects the quality of education. The statistics shows that the number of course offerings has decreased by 15% since 2008. The data support the opinion regarding the educational gap increase. It is not surprising as the cuts in spending limit the access of people to the higher education and they contribute to the social and economic inequality. Conclusion In summary, the analyzed articles are devoted to the problem of social and economic inequality. The authors emphasize the role of government regulation. Although the situation improves in certain areas, there are still the urgent problems requiring the legislative changes and government initiatives. Cowie, Jefferson. ââ¬Å"The Fu ture of Fair Labor.â⬠The New York Times. 24 June 2013. Web. Noah, Timothy. ââ¬Å"The 1 Percent Are Only Half the Problemâ⬠. The New York Times. 18 May 2013. Web. The Cuts that Keep Bleeding. By the Numbers, 30 (2013): 3. PrintAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Social and Economic Inequality in Modern Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Convert Frequency to Wavelength Worked Example Problem
Convert Frequency to Wavelength Worked Example Problem This example problem demonstrates how to find the wavelength of light from the frequency. Frequency vs Wavelength The wavelength of light (or other waves) is the distance between subsequent crests, valleys, or other fixed points. The frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in one second. Frequency and wavelength are related terms used to describe electromagnetic radiation or light. One simple equation is used to convert between them: frequency x wavelength speed of light à » v c, when à » is wavelength, v is frequency, and c is the speed of light so wavelength speed of light / frequency frequency speed of light / wavelength The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. The usual unit for frequency is Hertz or Hz, which is 1 oscillation per second. Wavelength is reported in units of distance, which often ranges from nanometers to meters. Conversions between frequency and wavelength most often involve wavelength in meters because thats how most people remember the speed of light in a vacuum. Key Takeaways: Frequency to Wavelength Conversion Frequency is how many waves pass a defined point per second. Wavelength is the distance between successive peaks or valleys of a wave.Frequency multiplied by wavelength equals the speed of light. So, if you know either the frequency or the wavelength you can calculate the other value. Frequency To Wavelength Conversion Problem The Aurora Borealis is a night display in the Northern latitudes caused by ionizing radiation interacting with the Earths magnetic field and the upper atmosphere. The distinctive green color is caused by the interaction of the radiation with oxygen and has a frequency of 5.38 x 1014 Hz. What is the wavelength of this light?Solution:The speed of light, c, is equal to the product of the wavelength, lamda;, and the frequency, à ½.Thereforeà » c/à ½Ã » 3 x 108 m/sec/(5.38 x 1014 Hz)à » 5.576 x 10-7 m1 nm 10-9 mà » 557.6 nmAnswer:The wavelength of the green light is 5.576 x 10-7 m or 557.6 nm.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Wi-Fi Protected Access Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wi-Fi Protected Access - Research Paper Example WPA is seriously focused among researchers for providing the best solutions in this field. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is beneficial for home based users, as well as business users. The formal certification is required in the field of wireless LAN communication so making the security at the highest level that is essential. In the organizations, the use of authorized access is essential for developing a connection between users. The secured connection is maintained by the organizations and authorized access is allowed. The WPA is also equally important in a home and small offices, because sharing of data is always confidential for personal home users and in SME (Small and Medium Enterprise). In a home based and small offices the Wi-Fi connection always asks for secure type of password for authorized access (Wi-Fi Alliance, 2014). The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is introduced for making the protection towards hardware. The three different stages of security the novel IEEE 802.11b standard, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), and the IEEE 802.11i protocol. The Wi-Fi Alliance is established with the sub-part of the standard 802.11i and introduces the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). The IEEE 802.11 b composed of stages, the address filtering process of Ethernet MAC (Media Access Control), Service Set Identifiers (SSID), and the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) (Mathews and Hunt, 2007) There are solutions available that can secure the wireless LAN. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the solution that is applied. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides a secure connection by having the services of Frame Relay, Virtual Circuits (VC) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The IP/Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)-based VPNs are latest technology in Virtual Private Network (VPN). Different types of protocols are used for making enable the protection in VPN. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is another solution for having secure and reliable
Friday, October 18, 2019
Technologies for Business Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technologies for Business - Research Proposal Example 5. It is critical to note that success and failure of such technologies also depends upon the way you project yourself and your company. Normally, small and start up businesses are largely dependent upon the person who is running the whole show therefore the business vision as well as strategic direction of the company which it is going to take. 6. The available technologies which can serve the basic purpose functionality as well as advanced functionalities for the firm include operating systems, PHP, .NET, Java Beans, J2EE, Java Scripting, FLASH, MySQL, ORACLE, SQL SERVER, SAAS and AJAX. 7. These technologies are easily available at relatively low expect few technologies such as Oracle etc. Start up businesses can easily integrate them into viable information technology solutions to remain competitive. 8. It is also important to note that these technologies offer different opportunities however, on the other hand there are associated risks with using such technologies also and start up businesses, due to their lack of expertise in each area, may find it difficult to utilize all such technologies to their fullest advantage. "The purpose of an operating system is to organize and control hardware and software so that the device it lives in behaves in a flexible but predictable way."( There are normally two types of operating system which are in use. These are: MS -Windows Operating System 1. Microsoft Windows Operating system is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world. 2. It is used in more than 90% of the computers in use. 3. It is based on graphical user interface technology. 4. There are different versions of this operating system as from time, Microsoft has made changes to its system in order to accommodate new and more demanding technological requirements. 5. It is not that much costly and can run on any machine regardless of hardware configuration. Other operating systems such as Apple Mac can only run on the PCs made by Apple itself. Linux 1. Linux is the only open source freeware operating system in the world which is easily available. 2. It is technically one of the most sophisticated operating system and is mostly run on the servers meant for networking and storage requirements. 3. Linux is based on UNIX based operating system and support different programming languages. 4. This operating system however would be only suitable if business is willing to run some online services and require on-going server support. Other Technologies PHP 1. PHP is one of the scripting languages which are used for writing dynamic and interactive websites. 2. PHP is highly flexible and robust and can be imbedded into HTML. 3. This is an easy to use language and can be used for developing dynamic websites such as online web stores, shopping carts etc. 4. One of
The supreme court does not have the power to execute its decisions and Essay
The supreme court does not have the power to execute its decisions and interpretations. how then, does the supreme court obtain compliance with its interpretations of the constitution - Essay Example We will also seek to understand the challenges with regard to such compliance. In United States (US), federal government is divided into three separate branches i.e. The Legislative branch governed under Article 1 of the Constitution, The Executive Branch governed under Article 2 of the Constitution and The Judicial Branch governed under Article 3 of the Constitution. As per Article 3, The Judicial Branch is headed by US Supreme court. Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in certain cases i.e. Issues involving Ambassadors, treaties by federal government and issues where two or more states are parties. Every state has its own Supreme Court as well and cases related to a particular state are dealt in the respective stateââ¬â¢s Supreme Court. However, the US Supreme Court works as appellate court for such cases if there is a federal issue involved. Separation of power leads to the concept of check and balance. In US all the three branches of state not only facilitate each other in completing the desired goals under the constitution but also ensure check and balance over each other. Supreme Court does not derive its force through administrative means. The decisions of court are enforced through other branches of the system i.e. legislative and executive. So the compliance of court decisions is a matter of supremacy of Constitution. The Constitution safeguards balance among organs of state where one organ does not interfere with the rights and powers of other. On the other hand, the system of check and balance provides the court with powers to interpret constitution. The most important of them is Judicial Review. Political Backing and Continued nature of service of Supreme Court Judges also help the Court to enforce its writ. Judicial review is a process through which executive and legislative decision can be questioned by the judiciary and if they are found against the supreme law of the
Financial Reporting for Sainsbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial Reporting for Sainsbury - Essay Example Income 640 585 Revenue 21,102 19,964 Net Profit Margin (Net Income / Revenue) 3.03% 2.93% (Sainsburyââ¬â¢s Annual Report 2011) The net profit margin indicates that over the past two year period, the company has increased its earning per dollar of revenue earned as it net profit margin percentage has increased from 2.93% in 2010 to 3.03% in 2011.additionally, for the current year, we can see that the company has earned 3 cents in net profit or net income against each dollar of revenue that it has earned in 2011. These net profit margin figures are also indicative of the fact that the company has been able to grow and improve its pricing strategy, reduce its operational costs and reduce its liability costs (interest to be paid) over the year which had led to an increase of 0.1% over the year (Ratio ââ¬â Profit Margin, 2012, 3 Financial Ratios, 2012) Stockholders Equity Ratio: Details 2011 2010 Total Liabilities 5,475 5,679 Stockholders Equity 4,221 4,157 Stockholders Equity Rati o (Total Liabilities / Stockholders Equity) 1.30 1.37 (Sainsburyââ¬â¢s Annual Report 2011) The stockholders equity ratio indicates that the company has leveraged its equity and taken loans and established liabilities against it. The ratio is indicative of the number of times the company has leveraged itself over its equity. This implies that in 2011, the company has leveraged about 1.3 times its equity which has actually reduced from the previous year when it was 1.37 in 2010. A high ratio of stockholders equity indicates that the company has an aggressive financing mode and would like to grow through financial leverage instead of organic growth through buildup of retained earnings. For an organization that is in the retail sector, leverage ratios are generally ranging from 1.5 to 1.68 which means that... Center of discussion in this paper is Sainsbury Supermarket Ltd. Is a child company of Sainsburyââ¬â¢s PLC which is also commonly known as Sainsburyââ¬â¢s and is also the third largest retail outlet in the United Kingdom with a market share ranging to about 17%. Sainsburyââ¬â¢s has a long and hard history with several brand and organizational re-launches and which dates back to the 19th century in the Victorian Era. It became the largest retail store in London in the early 1920ââ¬â¢s and is considered as a pioneer for self service in a retail store. In the early 1990ââ¬â¢s, Tesco and Asda became larger than Sainsburyââ¬â¢s and took over its market share letting it slide down to the third position in the retail industry. In 2010-11, Sainsbury launched several sponsorship programs, the most popular of which is the sponsorship for 2012 Paralympics. In 2011, Sainsburyââ¬â¢s also opened its 1000th store which is based in Scotland and marks a major milestone for the co mpany and for the entire Sainsburyââ¬â¢s group. The financial analysis for Sainsburyââ¬â¢s includes two major ratios which are Net Profit Margin and Stockholderââ¬â¢s Equity Ratio. The case in point was the annual report for 2010-11 for Sainsburyââ¬â¢s Supermarket Ltd. which is one of the largest retail stores in the United Kingdom. The analysis of its ratios indicates that the company has shown great promise and its net profit margin has shown an improvement over the two year time period while its leverage is also significantly lower than an average of the retail companies.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7
Business Ethics - Essay Example the CEOââ¬â¢s statement, of giving the employees the liberty to choose whether or not they would like to wear the protective clothing are not ethical neither is it a right choice on moral grounds. There are numerous chemicals used on a daily basis and in some of the cases there is a high majority the use of the chemicals and the effects of the chemical in terms of immediate or even long term is not recognized. Being a CEO of a chemical company, it is essential and mandatory for them to consider the possible issues that will be faced by the employees in the company. a) Whether Overtime is hazardous to health and the working environment: Based on the utilitarian theory and ethical concepts, it is seen that overtime is not very beneficial for any employee especially not in a chemicals industry (Blum, 1993). The effects of the chemicals are very high in the normal eight hours job basically. So leaving it for the employees to choose on whether or not to work for higher number of hours is not ethical. It is not even a choice based on the moral grounds and it is necessary that the CEO take up the responsibility to make sure that the employees have a fixed number of hours of work every week. Being a leader for an industry the CEO is expected to be aware of the damages that the chemicals can cause the employees in the time they are exposed to the chemicals, hence it is necessary that the CEO on humanitarian grounds at least ensures that the employees are not permitted to work for higher hours. Also it is the responsibility of the top management to brin g in the rules and regulations in the company where the employees need to wear on the protective clothing during the shift hours and at all time while dealing with the chemicals. This should be the case not only for the harmful chemicals but for all chemicals irrespective of the degree of damage it could cause to the employee handling it (Blum, 1993). Although it has been clear from researches and studies that the amount of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Bantam Soft Drinks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Bantam Soft Drinks - Assignment Example Furthermore, this can lead to disruption in production, loss of job skills and dramatic incur on cost of hiring new staffs. The four factors which states why employees leaves any specific firm like Bantam Soft Drinks are organizational commitment, work climate, employee motivation and communication. It is described as comparative strength of involvement and identification of an individual in a specific firm. Studies concluded that employees with high level of commitment are less likely to leave their organizations. According to Steers, the more level of commitment can lessen desire of termination for organization. Furthermore, it is believed that these exceedingly committed and dedicated employees are supposed to have strong desire at work, high intent to stay with the company and optimistic attitude towards employment. Moreover, Steers determined that employee turnover is inversely and expressively proportional to employee commitment. On the other hand, employees with less commitment level can perceive current job as opportunity to find better prospect in other organizations. In this present scenario on Bantam Soft Drinks, it can be proposed that this traditional soft drinks company is on low staff turnover. The continual rise of prices has increased the sign of lack of motiva tion and anxiety towards the work. This resulted rapid shift of employee turnover from low to high. Some of the employees fear that rapid upsurge of soft drinks prices may lead to employee reduction. Moreover, the indication of less enthusiasm and rise of anxiety has increased staff turnover of the soft drinks company by 5 percentages. The underlying credence of the study is that commitment can have positive impact on workforce retention and job performance. The working condition of an organization is vital for reduction of staff turnover. It appears that organization must introduce supportive working climate and learning environment where employees can work and learn. Research shows
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7
Business Ethics - Essay Example the CEOââ¬â¢s statement, of giving the employees the liberty to choose whether or not they would like to wear the protective clothing are not ethical neither is it a right choice on moral grounds. There are numerous chemicals used on a daily basis and in some of the cases there is a high majority the use of the chemicals and the effects of the chemical in terms of immediate or even long term is not recognized. Being a CEO of a chemical company, it is essential and mandatory for them to consider the possible issues that will be faced by the employees in the company. a) Whether Overtime is hazardous to health and the working environment: Based on the utilitarian theory and ethical concepts, it is seen that overtime is not very beneficial for any employee especially not in a chemicals industry (Blum, 1993). The effects of the chemicals are very high in the normal eight hours job basically. So leaving it for the employees to choose on whether or not to work for higher number of hours is not ethical. It is not even a choice based on the moral grounds and it is necessary that the CEO take up the responsibility to make sure that the employees have a fixed number of hours of work every week. Being a leader for an industry the CEO is expected to be aware of the damages that the chemicals can cause the employees in the time they are exposed to the chemicals, hence it is necessary that the CEO on humanitarian grounds at least ensures that the employees are not permitted to work for higher hours. Also it is the responsibility of the top management to brin g in the rules and regulations in the company where the employees need to wear on the protective clothing during the shift hours and at all time while dealing with the chemicals. This should be the case not only for the harmful chemicals but for all chemicals irrespective of the degree of damage it could cause to the employee handling it (Blum, 1993). Although it has been clear from researches and studies that the amount of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Diversity in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Diversity in the Workplace Essay Discrimination are more common in workplaces, because some people only think of discrimination as making a distinction and judgment of a person based on color of skin. Discrimination goes far beyond color of skin. A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. In a workplace there are standards and policies in place to decrease the chances of a person being discriminated against. When the staff is diverse in a workplace, discrimination less likely to happen. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission indicates that it is ââ¬Å"illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the personââ¬â¢s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disabilityâ⬠(). I experienced discrimination in the workplace, and after making an EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) complaint on a supervisor, she became more discriminatory towards me. The supervisor would make racist statements, once she found out I put an EEO complaint in on her, she would deliberately change my schedule, and put me on shifts that I could not work, to get me to quit. Most places do not give ââ¬Å"set schedulesâ⬠which means a person works the same shift and works the same hours on the same days. However, the position I worked, was a set schedule position. After going through weeks of the hostile environment, and continued derogatory statements, I quit as it was stressing me out, which caused me to lose severe weight. There are federal and state legislation that supports fair and impartial practices in the workplace. Federal legislations that supports fair practices include: â⬠¢Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; â⬠¢The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination (Scott, 2014). â⬠¢the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older; â⬠¢Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), which prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments; â⬠¢Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities whoà work in the federal government; â⬠¢Title II of the Genetic Information Nondisc rimination Act of 2008 (GINA), which prohibits employment discrimination based on genetic information about an applicant, employee, or former employee; and â⬠¢The Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination (Scott, 2014). There are responsibilities that human resource managers should uphold to protect the employees from discrimination in the workplace. It is important for human service mangers to strive to have a diverse workplace, while maintaining awareness of equal employment legislation and affirmative action (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). Human service mangers objectives should include, but are not limited to promoting awareness of workplace diversity, develop and maintain a highly skilled, diverse and effective workforce, where all employees and members are valued, encouraged and provided with opportunities to develop their potential (Workplace Diversity, 2014). It I s also import to develop a supportive workplace culture which allows employees and members to balance their work and personal life, and provide a discrimination and harassment free workplace; and embrace workplace diversity principles in recruitment and selection processes (Workplace Diversity Plan, 2014). It is important for human service mangers and others who make decision to be aware of the effects of their practices (book). Their practices could either make the organization more effective and receptive, or continue discrimination against, women, elderly people, color people, and others (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). There are many strategies involved in risk management. One strategy is human resources being accountable and responsible for providing information and recommendations about local, state and federal laws pertaining to equity and human rights, including an affirmative action place (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). When human resource management are aware of their practices, human service organizations less likely to have cases of discrimination in the workplace. Another strategy is providing training in diversity and equity to increase knowledge and understanding of critical issues, improve job-related skills, develop leadership, and ensure responsive, sensitive support for individuals (Workplace Diversity Plan, 2014). Diversity within the workplace are paramount for human service workers and for management of human service organizations, because humanà service organizations can offer services to a more diverse community with staff, who are culturally competent. This makes them able to give services to all group of people leaving no error for discrimination. When a human service organization is committed to helping children who are sexually abused, these is no room for discrimination. Diversity is important in the dream organization called ChildFocus Sexual Abuse Organization (CFSAO), as many children will be from different ethnic backgrounds, with different beliefs, and different social-economics statues. The experience explained above consists of a supervisor making racist statements. In the CFSAO, diversity would have a huge influence on the clients as well as the human service workers. Racism would have a negative impact on the sexual abused children, which would further traumatize and victimize a child. It is necessary for the staff to be culturally competent, and sensitive to the experiences of all sexually abused children and their families. Culturally competency would apply to the development and management aspects of human services, because it provides human service workers with effective services that are equally accessible to each of the diverse groups that the organization serves. In conclusion, there are federal and local laws that protect people from being discriminated in the workplace. The human resource managers should be aware of their practices during the interview and hiring process, by hiring a more diverse group of people for a human service organization. This would decrease the chances of human service workers or clients from being discriminated against. There are strategies that can help human service agencies decrease discrimination in a workplace which can include promote awareness in the workplace diversity, and develop a supportive workplace culture which allows employees and members to balance their work and personal life (Work Diversity Plan, 2014). It also important for human service workers to be culturally competent, so they are capable of serving all groups of people from different backgrounds.
Monday, October 14, 2019
External Factors And Influences On The Hotel Industry Tourism Essay
External Factors And Influences On The Hotel Industry Tourism Essay A business does not function in a vacuum. It has to act and react to what happens outside the factory and office walls. These factors that happen outside the business are known as external factors or influences. These will affect the main internal functions of the business and possibly the objectives of the business and its strategies. Main Factors The main factor that affects most business is the degree of competition how fiercely other businesses compete with the products that another business makes. The other factors that can affect the business are: Social how consumers, households and communities behave and their beliefs. For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. Legal the way in which legislation in society affects the business. E.g. changes in employment laws on working hours. Economic how the economy affects a business in terms of taxation, government spending, general demand, interest rates, exchange rates and European and global economic factors. Political how changes in government policy might affect the business e.g. a decision to subsidies building new houses in an area could be good for a local brick works. Technological how the rapid pace of change in production processes and product innovation affect a business. Ethical what is regarded as morally right or wrong for a business to do. For instance should it trade with countries which have a poor record on human rights. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No Task 1- Mission, Objectives and Responsibilities of an Organisation 1a) Mission, Values and key objectives of the hotel group 1 And interests of the stakeholders 1b). stakeholders objectives and extent to which 2 The hotel achieves these objectives 1c). key responsibilities of the hotel group and the strategies 2 Employed for achieving them Task 2 Economic, Social and Global Environment (LO2) 2. A) the fundamental features of planned and mixed economic 4 Systems n impact on the operations of the hotel group 2. B) social welfare policy and industrial policy measures in the UK 5 2. c) Impact of two macroeconomic policy measures in the UK 6 And the US since the year 2011 on the hotel group Task 3 -Behaviour of Organisations and the Market Environment 3. A) shortcomings of two market models relevant to the hotel group 7 And show how they can affect the profitability of the hotel. 3b) factors of supply and demand income, price, weather, and substitutes impact 9 On the activities of the hotel group 3c) behaviour and competitive strategies employed by organisations in the UK 10 And the rationale for regulating the behaviour strategies Task 4 International Trade and the European Dimension 4a) the pros and cons of trade between the UK and other countries 11 4b) the impact of two European Union policies on UK organisations and 12 The hotel group 4c) Implications of the UK becoming a member of the European economic 13 And monetary union (EMU) to the UK economy and to organisation References Task 1- Mission, Objectives and Responsibilities of an Organisation 1a) identify the Mission, Values and key objectives of the hotel group and show how they reflect the interests of the stakeholders A Mission is the unique purpose that sets one hotel or motel company apart from others. Moreover, the mission statement gives meanings and directions to hotel policies. In fact, when faced with any problem, misunderstanding, or strategic decision to be taken, managers always, make sure that their decisions match the mission statement. In addition, the mission statement shall be general and broad. The mission statement shall reflect the interests of the agents interacting in the hotel group. Guest: Guest(s) represent one of the most important agents in the hotel industry. For no guests mean is no accommodation sector. Employee: A hotel with no employees means simply that guests would not be welcomed, registered, assisted for whatsoever specific they needs have. Employees are a primordial agent in the hotel industry Management Owners: A hotel with no managers resembles to an army without generals. Moreover, to have a hotel, investors shall poor some amount of money to build it, refurnish it, and operate it. Therefore, the mission statement tells how it is going to satisfy all the above stated agents so that they continue acting in the hotel industry. (Keller, 2005) Key Objectives Managers shall, bearing in mind the companys mission statement, come up with companys global objectives, Which are : Specific numerical Observable Measurable If objectives are general and non-quantifiable, then, it would be unfeasible at the end of a certain period of time to see whether company actual results match with the planned objectives or not. (Grimble, 1997) 1b).Identify three groups of stakeholders objectives and evaluate the extent to which the hotel achieves these objectives Property Owners They work together with property and to find innovative solutions that satisfy their economic, environmental and social objectives. Employees They recognize the importance of communicating information about their business and its performance to employees. Because CR issues are central to our company values they are a prominent feature of global management conferences, informal briefings, in-house publications and our intranets. (Hahnel, 2001) In January 2011 we held a Green Day at our Atlanta Offices to raise awareness of IHGs approach to CR. During the coming year we will work with colleagues to ensure that we are following sound principles for Green Meetings and Green Training materials. We will also set up a dedicated section on CR in our Leaders Lounge, a virtual community of IHG leaders that provides time-effective tools, tips and articles that reinforce our strategy and help managers improve their leadership. This online tool allows users to connect with and share best practices with peers and senior IHG leaders around the globe. Suppliers Feedback from suppliers helps us to better understand how we perform against our peers and gain a clearer picture of our risks. Wherever possible we encourage our hotels to source goods and services locally. In addition to IHG supporting local suppliers, we also need to promote responsible business practices by those same suppliers. One area we are working on with suppliers is procurement find out more in our Supply Chain section. (Myers, 2004) 1c). Explain three key responsibilities of the hotel group and the strategies employed for achieving them. Hotel Manager A hotel manager who is responsible for the day-to-day management of a hotel and its staff, They have commercial accountability for budgeting and financial management, planning, organising and directing all hotel services, including front-of-house (reception, concierge, and reservations), food and beverage operations and housekeeping. In larger hotels, managers often have a specific responsibility (guest services, accounting, and marketing) and make up a general management team. While taking a strategic overview and planning ahead to maximise profits, the manager must also pay attention to the details, setting the example for staff to deliver a standard of service and presentation that meets guests needs and expectations. Business and people management are equally important elements. (Keller, 2005) The manager of a large hotel may have less make contact with guests but will have regular meetings with heads of department to coordinate and monitor the progress of business strategies. In a smaller establishment, the manager is much more involved in the hands-on day-to-day running of the hotel, which may include carrying out reception duties or serving meals if the need arises. Sales coordinator Often seen as a dynamic and social working environment, hotels offer an attractive career path for many people. For those interested in the business side of hotels, a career in sales may be suitable vocation for them. Hotel group sales coordinators are commonly the link between the guests and the hotel company. Their roles involve a mixture of customer service, team management and brand building for their hotel group. Group sales coordinator has many responsibilities. Among them is the preparation of correspondence such as customer appreciation letters, helping to facilitate promotions such as half-price rooms and scheduling staff rotas to make sure the sales department is operating sufficiently. Other responsibilities include ensuring that the sales team meets its targets, liaising with individual customers and groups for detailed feedback on the hotels facilities and analyzing sales statistics to provide an accurate report for the sales director. Hotel marketing manager A hotel marketing manager works with the hotels advertising and sales managers to promote the hotels services and facilities. Lower-level managers, like market research managers, work together with hotel marketing managers to come up with ideas for creating new clientele such as offering hotel deals and incentives like free welcome drinks, a approving massage at the hotel or complimentary use of a business center. Marketing managers and researchers learn what travelers want and estimate the cost of including those services. (Hahnel, 2001) Task 2 Economic, Social and Global Environment 2. A) Discuss the fundamental features of planned and mixed economic systems and explain how each system can impact on the operations of the hotel group. Use examples of the hotel activities to support your answer. Planned Economy: A planned economy is an economic system in which the government or workers councils manage the economy. In such economies, the state or government controls all major sectors of the economy and decide all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income, much like a communist state. The planners decide what should be produced and direct enterprises to produce those goods. Planned economies are in contrast to unplanned economies, such as a market economy, where production, distribution, pricing, and investment decisions are made by the private owners of the factors of production based upon their own and their customers interests rather than upon furthering some overarching macroeconomic plan. (Anthony, 2007) Mixed Economy: A mixed economy is an economic system that incorporates aspects of more than one economic system. This is typically means an economy that contains both privately-owned and state-owned enterprises or that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, or a mix of market economy and planned economy. (Myers, 2004) Impact on planned and mixed economy The centrally planned economy operates under the rules whereby the means of production, such as the hotels, are deemed to be owned by the public and all forms of economic activity are controlled by the government. This means that the central planning authorities are responsible for assigning production goals of the tourism industry as well as the allocation of factors of production. Within such a system, the proportion of total output absorbed as investment as opposed to private consumption, together with the distribution of income and the range of tourism activities produced, becomes a problem of social control rather than market forces. Therefore, in centrally planned economies the decision to produce particular levels of output of tourism products is a social and political rather than an economic decision. The mixed economy is helpful in increasing national production in the country. Both public and private sector work hard to bring about more production. The problem created by fr ee enterprise and too much public control are solved through mixed economy. It provides freedom of enterprise ownership profit earning as well as social welfare and political freedom .However Mixed economy is is not helpful in achieving optimal use of national resources .The mixed economy suffer from the drawbacks of both the capitalism and the socialism. Mixed economy seldom achieved progress. It suffers from continues backwardness. (Alec, 1997) 2. B) Identify and explain two social welfare policy and industrial policy measures in the UK that impact on the activities of the hotel and similar organisations Social Policy means the study of social services and the welfare state. Social Policy and Administration is an academic subject concerned with the study of social services and the welfare state. It developed in the early part of the 20th century as a complement to social work studies, aimed at people who would be professionally involved in the administration of welfare. In the course of the last forty years, the range and breadth of the subject has developed. The principal areas relate to policy and administrative practice in social services, including health administration, social security, education, employment services, community care and housing management; social problems, including crime, disability, unemployment, mental health, learning disability, and old age; issues relating to social disadvantage, including race, gender and poverty; and the range of collective social responses to these conditions. Social Policy is a subject area, not a discipline it borrows from other social science disciplines for develop study in the area. The contributing disciplines include sociology, social work, psychology, economics, political science, management, history, philosophy and law. (Nyheim, 2004) Industrial policy means in essenceà an activist approach by the state towardsà support for and development of the economy. In the UK, state activism in this area was discredited in the 1970sà because extensive state financial support for the defunct UK car industry failed at 2. c) Evaluate the impact of two macroeconomic policy measures in the UK and the US since the year 2011 on the hotel group The main policies of economic management that are impact on the hotel group in UK. Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy involves the use of government spending, taxation and borrowing to influence both the pattern of economic activity and also the level and growth of aggregate demand, output and employment. Monetary Policy Monetary policy involves the use of interest rates to control the level and rate of growth of aggregate demand in the economy. Here are some differences in the economic effects of monetary and fiscal policy, on the composition of output, the effectiveness of the two kinds of policy in meeting the governments macroeconomic objectives, and also the time lags involved for fiscal and monetary policy changes to take effect. We will consider each of these in turn: Effects of Policy on the Composition of National Output from the hotels Monetary policy is often seen as something of a blunt policy instrument affecting all sectors of the economy although in different ways and with a variable impact. In contrast, fiscal policy can be targeted to affect certain groups (e.g. increases in means-tested benefits for low income households, reductions in the rate of corporation tax for small-medium sized enterprises, investment allowances for businesses in certain regions) Consider as an example the effects of using either monetary or fiscal policy to achieve a given increase in national income because actual GDP lies below potential GDP (i.e. there is a negative output gap) (Buchanan, 1996) Task 3 -Behaviour of Organisations and the Market Environment 3. A) Explain the shortcomings of two market models relevant to the hotel group and show how they can affect the profitability of the hotel. SWOT Analysis of Hilton Hotels All major hotel corporations, is continuing to recover from the events of September 11th. This tragic human event also delivered a financially devastating blow to the travel industry as a whole and to the hotel industry in particular. In order to fully recover and thrive in the coming years, HHC must assess its overall all strengths and weaknesses as it moves forward through the new millennium. The following SWOT Analysis sheds some light on some of the pitfalls and opportunities that await the Hilton Hotels Corporation. (Porter, 2001) Strengths Hilton Hotel Corporation (HHC) is a well established organization and industry leader in the hotel, hospitality and gaming industry HHC is well diversified across the industry with hotels in the high end, business and mid-priced classes in their product mix HHC also possesses solid integration features such as owning the companies that manufacture its furniture and has invested in online reservation travel enterprises Weaknesses HHC may be two narrowly focused making it vulnerable to a downturn in the global economy and other world-wide catastrophes that could limit global travel such as the bird-flu and a significant terrorist strike HHC may be vulnerable to workers strikes and crack down on undocumented workers in the U.S. Most of its holdings are in the U.S. Opportunities HHC should offer an array of distinctive and specialized services to the high end guests and high rollers such as Wedding planning hosting Spas that specialize in personal services Personal trainers HHC should look to expand into or acquire a cruise line A cruise ship is little more than a hotel that floats this would essentially match what it currently does with its leased properties Gaming activities would escape regulation, etc. Take advantage of emerging markets, especially with business class and mid-priced markets Threats HHC must be careful not overextend its efforts to mix entertainment and gaming Also the extension of credit and other side effects of gaming can slowly but surely nibble away profits September 11th was a major blow to the hotel industry. A similar event could result in another down turn. By studying national and regional industry trends, HHC will be able to take advantage of opportunities that will enable growth while identifying threats that may affect profitability. Growth in the hotel and hospitality industry will include a continued focus on gaming, international expansion and using all media to promote its products to potential customers. One recommended strategy for Hilton is to emphasize the importance of family in all its hotels, including the gaming and casino locations. Las Vegas has spent millions to attract families by adding childrens attractions as well as the traditional casinos for the adults. Most of the hotels have at least a small area dedicated to arcade games. However, some hotels have elaborate arcades, game areas, and child-care centers intended for those traveling with children (Hilton Hotels Corporation, 2007). Hilton needs to ensure they are right in the middle of this demographic of parents traveling with children. While the focus can still be on the high dollars that are tossed around in the casinos by the parents, it will be critical that the hotel have the facilities available that will attract parents with children to stay at the property. Since there is a greater demand and vacation time has become one of the few times that families are able to spend quality time together, Hilton must capitalize on this market segment. (Buchanan, 1996) Market Segmentation Market Segmentation means breaking down the total market into self contained and relatively standardized subgroups of customers, each possessing its own special requirements and characteristics. This enables the company to modify its output, advertising messages and promotional methods to correspond to the needs of particular segments. Accurate segmentation allows the firm to pinpoint selling opportunities and to tailors its marketing activities to satisfy on consumer needs. Through the process of market segmentation, there are certain variables to identify customer groups, such as needs, income geographical, location, buying habits and other characteristics . (Hahnel, 2001) 3b) Explain how these factors of supply and demand income, price, weather, substitutes impact on the activities of the hotel group. When negotiating a hotel contract for meeting or convention, some factors are influenced. First, factors that influence room blocks and room rates are based on supply and demand. So, if the hotel is in their peak season, they have more clients requesting the same space and can choose who gets the space and can set their price. Most hotels have a preferred pattern for arrivals and departures. If your pattern fits theirs, they may be willing to negotiate. However, if the pattern differs, you may have to pay higher rates. Be prepared, check with the Convention Bureau and ask what the normal occupancies are for various months of the year. That way you will have an idea of how much the hotel needs your business. If you can hold your meeting in a month that has less occupancy, you have more room to negotiate. Also, do not falter to ask for special items in the contract. The more the hotel needs your business, the more they are willing to give up or add to the contract in order to get your signature. (Carl, 1997) It may be easy to get that suite you wanted on a complimentary basis or at a special rate. If the hotel is going to have a low occupancy and would not be selling that suite in the first place, they have nothing to loose by giving it to you in your contract. So, what factors are involved that influence pricing when negotiating a sales contract for sleeping rooms, meeting space and food events? They are availability of rooms, room patterns, your ability to be flexible and especially you being aware of what the hotel is looking for. Therefore, do your homework before meeting with your hotel of choice and you will be better prepared to negotiate successfully. 3c) Explain three behaviour and competitive strategies employed by organisations in the UK and the rationale for regulating the behaviour strategies. Use relevant examples to support your answer. Organizations operate within a competitive industrial environment. Analyzing its competitiveness help to identify opportunities for and threats to the organization from its industrial environment, SWOT analysis is a systematic analysis of these factors and the strategy that reflects the best match between them. Considering the as an example, relation to the core competence of McDonalds, one of the largest food chain companies in the world. Let us first start with the strengths and the positive aspects which define the performance of this company. Strength is a distinctive competence that gives the firm a comparative advantage in the market place. For instance financial resources, image, market leadership and buyer supplier relations etc The greatest strength was creating an image in the minds of the people and introducing them to the fast food culture. Delivery speed, customer care and cleanliness are the core strengths on which these stores expanded. They created a corporate symbol and their advertisement campaigns were highly successful in establishing the brand image and logo in the minds of the millions. Two main competitors generally identified with McDonalds are the Burger King and the KFC. McDonalds marketing strategy is concerned with the internal resources, external environment and its basic competencies along with its share holders. McDonalds product value is also its greatest strengths. Customers know what to expect when they walk into a McDonalds store. It gives great emphasis to human resources by satisfying both the customer and the employees. Next is the innovation aspect wherein new products line up to catch up with the new trends and tastes of the people. Its diversity into other new business ventures can also be considered as its strengths. One major threat to any brand is its relationship between the management and the franchise dealers. Organization strength is the back bone of any concern and when that starts shaking the whole system will collapse. But slowing McDonald is recovering from all these weaknesses as its brand managers can easily communicate, compare and improve their services through the latest technological developments wherein they can use the internet to motivate, compare and improve upon other centers performances. The overall analysis of all the external and internal strengths and weaknesses on this company should be linked in order to draft a sustainable plan for the companies further improvement. For any improvement or expansion the internal resources must be readily available. And thus analyzing this aspect can lead to a modified strategy to suit its vision. Keeping in mind the available resources the planner should think globally. Hence making use of all the core competencies the firm can definitely sustain in the competitive market. Task 4 International Trade and the European Dimension 4a) Discuss the pros and cons of trade between the UK and other countries. Use the activities of the hotel group to support your answer Pros According to the U.S. State Department, the United States had implemented nine free trade agreements with a total of 14 countries and had several others awaiting final enactment as of September 2009. The agency reports that since the implementation of these economic pacts U.S. exports have increased exponentially and imports have grown considerably. Therefore, the State Department makes the claim that free trade supports economic development in poor countries as well as in the United States. Cons In November 2003 the Economic Policy Institute issued a report that seriously questions the benefits of free trade. According to the document, the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with its NAFTA trading partners, Canada and Mexico, caused the displacement of high-wage positions in U.S.-based manufacturing industries. Additionally, the report states that workers in all three member countries have been hurt by free trade, with many Mexicans being reduced to subsistence-level work while Canadians witness a reduction in important public spending in education, health care and other such services. The institute says that NAFTA guidelines tilt the economic situation in favor of investors while offering no environmental or worker-safety protection. Considerations While just about everyone agrees that international trade will continue, the debate over free-trade economics demonstrates the existence of two radically disparate viewpoints; those of the businesses and investors that have benefited from the adaptation of free-trade agreements and those of blue-collar workers, who appear to be losing ground financially. Policy negotiators might do well to consider the well- being of all concerned by adopting guidelines that guarantee a living wage to all as well as environmental and worker-safety standards. (Carl, 1997) 4b) critically analyse the impact of two European Union policies on UK organisations and the hotel group, if any. UK hoteliers are feeling quietly optimistic about the new coalition governments tourism policy priorities for the countrys hotel industry. Industry leaders are hoping for a new era of firm leadership supported by clear tourism policy. Many are hopeful that the new administration will place greater emphasis on tourism policy, support new investment and provide better co-ordination of Whitehall policies across the industry. With clear policies on regulation, tax policies and interest rates, the new government is in a position to provide better stability for hotel developers, owners and operators, despite cuts in public spending. (Easterly, 2001) At this crucial time, the UK hotel industry needs strong, unified representation to government. The strongest organization is most probably the British Hospitality Association (BHA) who has already raised five key points on behalf of the industry, as follows: Fewer regulations and those that are introduced should be more accurately coasted and assessed for their impact on small businesses. An understanding that the industry is a potential job creator and is the main economic driver of many regions in the country even including London. Yet, in an industry largely made up of small businesses, past fiscal and regulatory measures have inhibited private investment to a great extent. Greater encouragement by the government for businesses to invest, through the introduction of appropriate tax breaks and capital allowances (eg: Hotel Building Allowance). Only through more private investment will the industry be able to meet rising international competition. A government department (presumably the DCMS) which is stronger and more able to represent the industry with other government departments and throughout Whitehall. Too many local, regional and national tourism bodies are fighting for limited amounts of funding to promote Britain internationally, nationally and locally. Only some Regional Development Agencies have seriously supported their tourism industry while a number of regional tourism boards have been disbanded. A more coherent approach to the countrys tourism infrastructure is required. 4c) Evaluate the implications of the UK becoming a member of the European economic and monetary union (EMU) to the UK economy and to organisations operating in the UK. Use relevant examples to support your answer The Economic and Monetary Union or EMU is an umbrella term for the group of policies aimed at converging the economies of members of the European Union in three stages so as to allow them to adopt a single currency,. As such, it is largely synonymous with the Eurozone. All member states of the European Union are expected to participate in the EMU. The Copenhagen criteria are the current set of conditions of entry for states wanting to join the EU. It contains the requirements that need to be fulfilled and the time framework within which this must be done in order for a country to join the monetary union. An important element of this is the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERMà II), in which candidate currencies demonstrate economic convergence by maintaining limited deviation from their target rate against the euro. (Easterly, 2001) All member states, except Denmark and the United Kingdom, have committed themselves by treaty to join EMU. Seventeen member states of the European Union, including, most recently, Estonia, have entered the third stage and have adopted the euro as their currency. Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania are the current participants in the exchange rate mechanism. Of the pre-2004 members, the United Kingdom and Sweden have not joined ERMà II and Denmark remains in ERM without proceeding to the third stage. The five remaining (post-2004) states have yet to achieve sufficient convergence to participate. These ten EU members continue to use t
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